Seeing the Baby for the first time

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5SOS Preference : Seeing Baby for First Time

Luke: “This is my baby girl.” he says with a smile on his face then smiles wider once his daughter opened up her tiny eyes to meet his. “She has my eyes. You’re making daddy cry already baby girl, just met you and already you’ve got me crying! It’s gonna be a challenge as you grow up, you’re gonna make me cry like a baby more then ever.”

Ashton: “My hair, my eyes, my nose, my ears! (YN), does he have anything of yours?” he called out making you giggle after he saw your son for the first time ever. “I doubt it Ashton, i just carried him for nine months, i did my part and now he’s doing his by looking exactly like you.” Ashton grinned and held him up, looking into his eyes. “We’re truly a matching set aren’t we?”

Michael: “You have your mommy’s face.” Michael muttered looking down at his sleeping daughter in his arms. “You have my eyes though, that’s all you’ve got of me, but i’ll take it. You’re my beautiful baby girl, no one is ever going to hurt you, baby, if they do, you just let daddy know and him and your uncles are gonna kick some butt!”

Calum: “I didn’t know babies could have this much hair on them when they were first born!” he exclaimed and you just giggled. “Seriously, (YN), he has enough hair to open a wig factory! I didn’t know this was possible!” You laugh. “You know when new dads normally see their child for the first time, they cry, you on the other hand, can’t help but me mesmerized by the amount of hair on your son’s head!” Calum shrugged his shoulders. “What can i say, i’m not normal!”

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