His Gift To You

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You were having your hair done when a light knock was heard on your hotel room door. One of your bridesmaid's hurried to the door, opening it to find Luke standing with a box in his hands. "It's for the bride from the groom," he informed her, handing the gift off. Soon enough the gift was in your hands, and you stepped away to open it. Inside the box you found a journal with the title, "Reasons I want to Marry You." You opened it and the first page read, "The first time I met you I knew you were 'The One.' It was after our second real date that I began this journal, thinking if things turned out the way I hoped then this would make a great gift one day. Today is the day! Our wedding day! These are only some of the infinite reasons I want to marry you. I love you, Ashton." You felt your eyes fill with tears, and you also felt the eyes of your bridesmaids watching you. You looked to them and gestured to the book, allowing them to read the first page. They collectively awed, agreeing this was the cutest thing they'd ever seen. You flipped through the pages, reading some of his entries. "September 1: Your laugh is the cutest thing I've ever heard. I wish I was funnier because all I ever want to do is make you laugh." "January 26: I finally told you I loved you today and you said it back and the way you say it is... it sounds so magical coming from your lips. It's better than I ever imagined. I want to hear it forever." You flip to the last page, reading his entry from this morning: "I want to marry you more than I want anything else, really. In all honestly, I need to marry you. I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle! I love you!"


"Michael's here to see you," one of your bridesmaids informed you just as you woke up. "He can't see me today," you sighed, knowing he already knew that. "Well he brought you coffee and a gift," she added, "Do you just want me to take them?" "A gift?" you asked, your curiosity peaked. You hopped out of bed and hurried to the door, smiling up at your fiance. "Oh, hey boys," you greeted his three friends standing behind him. "I brought you coffee," Michael pointed out, gesturing to the cup in his hand. You took it gratefully, sipping it and thanking him. "Rumor has it you have a gift for me, too," you pointed out, leaning against the door and grinning up at him slyly. "Is that what they're saying?" he questioned, smirking at you. You nodded and took another sip of your coffee as Michael turned around and grabbed a small gift bag from Calum. "It's just something little I thought you'd maybe wanna wear today," he prefaced as he handed you the box, "You don't have to, though." You reached into the bag, pulling out the dainty pearl necklace. "It's so pretty," you whispered, admiring it. Michael smiled proudly as you read what was written on the packaging. "Wear your necklace as a reminder that you are incredibly loved," you read aloud, looking up at Michael with tears in your eyes. He bit his lip, nodding shyly as his cheeks reddened. "It's too early for me to be crying," you chuckled, blinking back tears. Michael laughed, nodding his agreement. "Thank you," you managed, hugging him tightly. "I'd kiss you but I have morning breath," you informed him weakly. "I don't care," he mumbled before quickly attaching his lips to yours. A cough from Calum pulled him away. "I'll see you soon, then," Michael stated, unable to keep the excited smile from taking over his face. You nodded and pecked his cheek goodbye before shutting the door.


"Delivery for the bride!" your maid of honor announced, entering the room with a large bouquet of your favorite flowers. "Who dropped these off?" you asked as you took the enormous bouquet for yourself. "They were left on the doorstep," she informed you, "But I'm assuming they're from Luke." You searched for a note, finding only a piece of torn paper reading, "I can't wait to kiss you." "Aw," you sighed, showing the note to your bridesmaids. "I'm gonna call him," you decided, "Is that allowed?" "You do whatever you want," your maid of honor declared. You nodded, excusing yourself from the room and stepping outside as you dialed Luke's number. "Hello?" you heard him answer. "You can't wait to kiss me, huh?" you questioned instantly. "Oh, good, you got my note," he laughed. You could hear the grin in his voice and it sent excited butterflies off like an explosion in your stomach. "And the flowers are gorgeous," you complimented. "Nothing but the best for my beautiful bride," Luke assured you. "I'm so excited," you whispered, although you weren't sure why. "Me too," Luke replied, "I wish I could see you right now." "Soon enough, my love," you sighed. "I love you," he reminded you, as if you didn't know. It didn't matter, though. Every time you heard those words from him it felt like he was confessing it for the first time. "I love you, too," you returned with a ridiculous grin. 


"This was on the doorstep this morning," one of your bridesmaids informed you as you finished up your hair and makeup. She handed you a box with a tag that read, "For the bride only!" You smiled setting it on the table to open it, joined by the curious eyes of your bridesmaids. You slid the top of the box off, laughing to yourself and blushing immensely the second you saw inside. "What is it?" your friend questioned eagerly. You pulled out the lingerie set for your friends to see, complete with a set of pearls. "I can't wait to marry you," you read from the card, "And for all the fun that comes with it. Love forever and ever, Calum." Your friends squealed in unison, laughing and discussing the fact that Calum has surprisingly great taste in lingerie. "He's something," you laughed, shaking your head as you examined his choice, laughing especially at the pearls. "Go put it on," your friends encouraged, shoving it into your hands and pushing you into a bathroom. You obliged, trying it on and pulling your robe on over it. You stepped out int he robe, informing your friends, "It's really cute." "You have to send him a picture," one of your bridesmaids commanded instantly. The others agreed, laughing and talking about how much he would love that. "Take a Polaroid!" another girl suggested, "We can go deliver it to him!" You laughed, and knowing your friends wouldn't take no for an answer, you obliged. Taking your Polaroid camera, you went and carefully snapped a picture of you in your new gift. You let it develop before writing on the back, "A sneak peek of tonight xo." You slid it into an envelope and quickly wrote, "For the groom's eyes only (seriously)." You handed it to a laughing bridesmaid and she took off for where the boys were staying, leaving you and the girls to laugh and imagine Calum's reaction.

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