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You squeezed your eyes shut, blocking out the tears from flowing out of your eyes. Your back was pressed to the door, your face buried in your arms that were wrapped tight around your knees. You took a deep breath, and lifted your head, taking a glance around your room. The fight had left you torn apart. Clothes were crumpled up in piles, strewn around the room. A solitary suitcase sat empty on your bed, dusty and frayed with age. Wiping your eyes with your sleeve, you listened for Ashton. Silence. You urged yourself not to cry, tonight had been so hard. But the pressure of being Ashton's girlfriend was getting to be too much, and you didn't think that you could take it anymore. You barely got to see him anymore. You stood up, brushing off your jeans. You heard a knock. "Y/N...," It was Ashton. You slumped back down onto the floor. Fuck it. "Y/N, say something...," he whispered. You leaned your head against the door. "You're right," he said, the lump in your throat rising again, "The fans... They've been terrible these past few months, I feel so bad about what they've said... What I've said, and...,"  He paused. "I understand you don't deserve that pressure, but..." He paused again. "I love you, baby. I've never loved anyone so much before, and-," he chokes out, "Y/N, I need you." You let out a sob, and stood up, flinging open the door, throwing yourself onto him, burying your face into his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he repeated over and over, pressing kisses onto your hot forehead. "I love you, I love you so much, I love you..." 


You had finished packing your bags, tear staining your cheeks. Last night had been a blur of tears and screaming and broken hearts. Wiping your nose, you crept out of your room into the dark hallway, your fists growing tighter with every step. You reached for the doorknob. "Stay," whispered a voice behind you. You turned around to face Calum. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he stood in the darkness. "Please," Your hand tensed on the doorknob. Eyes drifting to look at your shoes, you pressed your lips together, keeping as much emotion in. "Calum, you don't know how hard this is for me," you uttered. "It's hard for me to see you like this! I don't know why you're doing this, Y/N... I thought we were happy. I love you, Y/N! Why can't you understand that?" Your eyes narrowed. "God, Cal! You really don't get it," He drew in his breath. "What don't I get, Y/N? I took you on tour with me, introduced you to my friends, the fans, moved in with you?! And now look at you, you're leaving," Keeping a grip on the doorknob, you pivoted to face him. "I DID IT ALL FOR YOU, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! THIS WASN'T FOR ME! IT WAS ALL FOR YOU- CALUM!" Your eyes averted his gaze, tears rushing to your eyes again. "I did it for you...," You felt his hands pull you away from the door, his large hands instantly cupping your face. "Y/N, look at me." You struggled against his grip, your eyes directed at the floor. "I SAID LOOK AT ME," You slowly looked at him, straight in the eyes. "You, you can't leave me, Y/N," He choked out quietly, tears rolling down his cheeks. "You're all I have," He broke your gaze, looking down at your feet. You felt your bag drop to the ground, as your reached towards him and burying your face in his chest. "Cal, you know I would never leave you,"


"Y/N?" Luke walked into the door of your flat. You sat in the corner, rocking back and forth. "Y/N, are you okay?" You didn't stop rocking. He came over and sat next to you. "Y/N, talk to me," You looked up, eyes red and puffy. His eyes softened as he reached out to touch your knee. "Don't... Don't touch me," You snapped. "Get away from me," He tensed, and drew his arm back. "What?" You looked at him, seeing the obvious hurt on his face. "You heard me," You sniffled as your phone buzzed. "What's that?" He asked, reaching forward. "I SAID DON'T, LUKE," He looked at you, the hurt expression forming on his face again. "What the fuck is going on with you, Y/N?" He reached for your phone again, too quick for you to swat his phone away. "You bitch," he read aloud, "Get away from Luke, you know he's meant for me anyway." He glanced at you. "I slept with him while he was on tour, and he told me he was going to break up with you once tour was over," He turned your phone off. "Who said this?" He asked. "I don't know Luke, but I'm pretty damn sure you never told me any of this," you retorted, burying your face in your arms again. "I never did any of this!" You shook your head. "I received pictures, Luke," His eyes widened. "What pictures?" You reached into your sweatshirt pocket, and threw 3 polaroid pictures at his face. "I don't remember doing any of this," He said. "Don't lie to me," "I SWEAR TO GOD, Y/N, I DIDN'T DO THAT," Your face was still buried between your legs. "Yeah, well I don't believe you," Luke sat there, staring at you. "We're done, Luke," you whispered, breaking the silence. "We're done." You stood up, and walked into your room, fighting tears from spilling from your eyes. "Whoa, wait," Luke stammered, following you into your room. "Did I fucking stutter, Luke? I said we're done," You huffed, reaching up to grab a suitcase from a shelf in your closet. He stopped you, his hands gripping your shoulders. "You know I wouldn't do this to you," You bit your lip. "Well, you did," You said, before tears started to spill down your cheeks. You felt his tears on your forehead as he softy kissed it. "Please, Y/N- please don't believe whoever that was, I love you so much," You could feel his hot breath on your neck. "You shouldn't worry about a sick joke like this," You pulled him closer, touching noses. "Okay, but you don't get away this easily, Hemmings," 


You smashed your cup on the ground, shards of glass shattering everywhere, sobbing. Cup after cup smashed on your kitchen floor, tears slipping onto the floor. "Y/N, STOP!" Michael screamed, pushing all the cups away from you, as you struggled against his grip. "I can't take it anymore, Micheal!" You scream, whipping another cup onto the ground. "Can't take what, anymore, Y/N?! Why won't you tell me?!" "For the past 2 months, I've been harassed by thousands of girls!" You snap, your eyes looking angrily at the shards of broken glass scattered around the floor. "What?" Michael cried, releasing his grip on you, "Why haven't you told me any of this?!" You looked at him, straight in the eyes. "Because I didn't want to hurt you!" He stared straight back, "Well you could've!" The anger boiling up inside of you burst. "I can't do this anymore, Michael. We're through," You stormed through the broken glass, opened and slammed the door shut, walking out into the cool night air. It took you a moment to realise what you had done. Sobs racked your entire body as you knelt on the cold groundtears streaming down your face. Suddenly, you heard a door open. Wiping your nose with your sleeve, you stood up shakily. You looked up at him, your hair whipping around in the breeze. "I can't let you leave that easily," He whispered, pressing his lips to yours.

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