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They Talk About You/Your Relationship In An Interview


"So, be honest here. What’s Calum and (y/n) really like?" the interviewer raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips once Calum reacted by squirming and blushing. "Is it really just friendship?” she pressed on as she gestured at the small screen beside them, a video montage of the pictures of you and Calum playing. 
"Hey, when did that happen?" Luke pointed at the particular touchy picture of you two at the park. You were both sitting on a bench, you sitting sideways and your legs outstretched across his lap, his eyes on both your hands that were intwined with his and you were smiling at him. 
"They’re cute, hey?" Ashton mused, loving how red Calum’s tan skin was getting. 
"We’re just friends." Calum stated, his hands covering his face as he tried to rid of the color off of his cheeks. 
"That’s not what your cheeks are saying." Michael’s eyebrows were raised. "Calum and (y/n) are the definition of skinny love, to be honest."
"We are not!" Calum protested in a whiny tone.
"You are too." Luke rolled his eyes. "It’s adorable though, ‘cause they’re in their little world and they think nobody knows about their weekly movie nights and their sleepovers and their little frozen yogurt dates." 
"And (y/n) doesn’t even like froyo." Ashton giggled.
"Yes she does!" Calum protested, despite his furrowed brows.
"No she doesn’t, mate. She just goes with it ‘cause she knows it’s your favorite. Trust me, we know." Luke rolled his eyes, as if this piece of information is the most obvious thing in the world (which it kinda is).
"And now the whole world does too." the interviewer grinned happily, satisfied that she got the dirt.


"So, Luke, it might be still a touchy subject, but how is (y/n)? the fans kind of miss her." she gestured at her small cue cards that hold the tweets from fans. 
"Oh, um-it’s not a touchy subject at all." he nervously laughed. The boys raised their eyebrow in worry once they heard Luke’s voice go higher, something he does when he’s lying. "She’s uhh-you know…" he trailed off. "To be honest, I don’t quite know." he sighed, defeated.
"They haven’t been talking." Ashton answered quietly, his big brother instincts kicking in, knowing that Luke was having a hard time keeping it together without you.
"The break up’s rough?" the interviewer ignored how uncomfortable everyone looked.
"Heartbreak’s never easy." Luke’s eyes drifted around, avoiding any eye contact with everyone. "I don’t particularly know if it’s any easier for her but however she’s doing, I hope she’s well." Luke’s voice broke.
"(y/n), if you’re watching this, we all miss you. It’d be great if you’d talk to us." Calum spoke up, his tone sheepish as he looked at the other boys for approval, knowing that he had to be careful with his words. 
"You can avoid Luke," Michael playfully pushed Luke’s shoulder, trying to lighten the mood. "But we can’t stand not talking to you." he smiled sheepishly at the camera.
"So you were all close with (y/n), then?" the interviewer’s chin was high in inquiry.
"Of course, (y/n)’s a sweetheart. She’s a great girl." Ashton gave a weak smile at the interviewer, earning a nod in reply.
"She is," Luke breathed. "The next guy to have her will be incredibly lucky."


"So are you all actually aware of the hate (y/n)’s been getting or are you all just ignoring it?" the interviewer tucked her hands under her chin as if she was really interested. 
"About that…" Ashton drifted off and giggled awkwardly.
"Actually, we are aware, and I’m grad-a-pissed about it but (y/n) won’t let me stand up for her." Michael said in a sharp tone, as if containing his anger towards his fans. 
"She’s a proper bad ass, she doesn’t care." Luke shrugged, a smile on his lips from the memory of you going “meh, who cares.” once the boys showed you what your twitter mentions looked like.
"She doesn’t?" the interviewer raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"No, she doesn’t." Michael smirked at the camera, as if saying 'ha' to the fans. “But it doesn’t justify what the fans are saying. You guys think it’s hurting her but to be honest, she doesn’t even check her mentions and instead, sometimes I do because I care. You guys are my fans and sorry not sorry, it’s kind of embarrassing that I have to apologize for my own fans’s behavior.”
"We agree." Calum nodded his head vigorously. "We love you all to death but death threats and hate are not punk rock."
"Basically, all we’re saying is that you guys are cool, but y’all need to back off when it comes to hate towards (y/n)." Michael put it simply. 


"So, do these tweets look familiar to you, Ashton?" the interviewer gestured to his tweets to you on the screen. "(y/n)’s so goddamn talented.” she read out. Ashton’s eyes widened as he pursed his lips in an ‘oops’ manner. “@(y/t/n) where do i buy tickets to your heart ;)” she read aloud.
"Winky face means business, I’m tellin ya." Michael teased, slightly nudging Ashton.
"So, celebrity crush, yes?" the interviewer smirked. 
"Well how could the answer not be yes, she’s beautiful." he sighed in defeat. "She’ll never notice me, though. Her band’s like the royalty of punk rock," he giggled. "I’m a newbie, I have no chance." he blushed.
"I’m a little offended." Calum scoffed playfully. "We might be newbies but we’re cool too!"
"Yeah but we’re 5 seconds of summer cool, she’s (y/n) cool." Ashton went doe-eyed, resulting the boys to roll their eyes at their band mate. 
"Well don’t lose hope, ‘cause I think we may be able to get you two talking to each other." the interviewer drummed her fingers on her lap excitedly. 
"Wha-you could? How?" Ashton’s eyes were doe as his eyes darted quickly to the screen the interviewer was pointing at again. The screen began brightening and a video of you started playing. 
"Hey babes, it’s (y/n)." you waved, giggling lightly until your face contorted in disgust. "Ugh, no, babes sounds weird. Cut! Cut? Please?" the image of you giving a puppy face made the boys laugh and Ashton watch in awe. 
"Keep going!" you heard someone from behind the camera say.
"Well, that’s a great first impression. Anyways, hey Ashton, I saw your tweets and wanted to make the reply a little more personal. I heard you’ve been supporting me and my band since the beginning and maybe I could thank you face to face? I followed you on twitter and we can DM each other? Bye, love." you blew a kiss at the camera and the screen went blank. 
Before the interviewer could say anything, Ashton was already whipping his phone out of his pocket to see that you, @(y/t/n) did indeed followed him back.

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