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He has a nightmare

"Y/N."You heard a raspy voice say while poking your arm.
"Y/N are you still there?"You heard the same voice say again.
"Ash?"You said still in a state of sleep.
"What are you doing up at 3 in the morning?"You asked looking at the clock.
When you looked back at Ashton you saw he had dried tears on his face and his hair was a mess.
"Ash?What happened!Whats the matter?Are you-"
He shut you up by grabbing you in his arms holding you close.
"Just a nightmare is all."He said with his eyes closed just holding you tight making sure you weren't going anywhere.
"Wanna talk about it?"You asked.
He nodded.
"You left.I left for tour then came back and you weren't here."He said his voice thick with tears.
"Ashton I will never leave you..How could I with you holding me so tight."You joked.
"Well you ma lady worry to much."He replied laughing.
You woke up to the right side freezing cold with no Michael in sight.You heard noises downstairs.Nervously even though you knew it was Michael you made your way downstairs.
"Mike?"You whispered into the dark.
"Right here babe!"He called from the kitchen.
You walked in just to see him at the table eating all kinds of food with just the pale kitchen light on.
"Mr.Clifford.What are you doing up at this hour of the morning?"You asked sternly.
"Um hungry?"He said more as a question.
"No.Nightmare."He mumbled the last part.
"Huh?Cant hear ya."
"God damnit Y/N!A nightmare!"
"Awe that's not very punk rock of you!"You joked.
"Haha very funny."He said sarcastically.
"So what was this nightmare about?"You asked sitting down..
For the rest of the night you two talked and ate all the food he had out.
"Ouch."You mumbled when you felt a sharp blow to your leg.
Another came after that with a scream and Calum bolting up over ed in sweat.
"Cal?"You questioned sitting up.
"Y/N."He said as he was gasping for air but he also sounded relived that you were still there.
"Nightmare?"You questioned looking at him sympathetically.
"Yes."He said in a child-like voice.
"Want to talk about it?"
He shook his head no and made a disgusted face like just thinking about it was repulsing.
"Cuddle?"He questioned with puppy dog eyes and his lip out.
You didn't say anything you just fell into his arms and you two states like that for the rest of the night.
"Luke!What time is it there?"You questioned over the FaceTime.Luke was currently on tour.Which meant you two were in two different times zones which sucked for both of you.
"4am."He said sheepishly.
"Lucas why are you face timing me when you should be sleeping!"You scolded.
"I had a nightmare."He said looking down blushing.
"Aww baby."
"Stop!"He exclaimed laughing.
"I just want to talk to you !"
So that's what you two did until he had to wake up to start the day.
They kinda followed the same pattern..
But I hope liked it!!!!
Also vote for who should be the main bad boy in my fanfic!

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