A Fan Catches You Buying Condoms

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A Fan Catches The Two Of You Buying Condoms.

Michael - "Y/N! Look at this shit!" You were on the makeup aisle, searching for more lip gloss when you heard footsteps madly dashing towards you. "Baby!" He screamed as you shushed him, an old couple walking by as they looked at the two of you, muttering something about loud hooligans as Michael chuckled. "They have studded condoms and they say, they're very pleasuring for the female satisfaction." He whispered the last part, latching his lips to your neck as he sucked harshly, enlightening a giggle from you as you pulled away. "Michael put those away and get the brand we always get." He sighed and looked at them again before poking out his bottom lip. "Look how pretty they are." "Michael, don't act like a child." You said, examining another lip gloss as he shuffled his feet. "But they would look even better when i'm fu-" "Michael stop!" He chuckled and began walking back to the aisle when he saw a few girls standing there. "Fuck." He knew they were fans, by their 5sos shirts. He tried to quietly pick up another pack when he knocked a few off as they fell to the floor. "Shit." The girls turned and squealed. He picked up the packs as the girls were red in the face. "Condoms Michael?" "Don't judge me!" He fake cried, smiling at the girls as they giggled.
Luke - "Luke we can't just keep walking around the store until they leave, because they're not going to." It was late at night, you and Luke continuously walking around the drug store as he peered around the corners, searching for fans as they were searching for him as well. "Luke seriously," You grabbed his arm, looking at him as he was looking everywhere except for you. "Let's just get the damn condoms so we can go back to the hotel," You purred, stroking his stomach as he sighed, still looking left and right frantically. You narrowed your eyes and groaned, grabbing his hand and dragging him up to the front. "Y/N stop, we're exposed!" He said, flicking your fingers as you continued pulling him. "Well i'm ready to get back and you're acting childish!" You heard a few gasps as you walked up to the register, smiling at the woman behind. "Y/N, what are y-" "Give me your preferred brand of condoms, please." She nodded and grabbed a pack, ringing it up as you heard gasping and hushed whispers behind you. "Thanks darling. Let's go Luke." You strutted out of the store, girls smiling at you as Luke smiled weakly, running after you.
Ashton - "What do you think babe, glow in the dark or flavored?" You put down some body perfumes, shaking your head at your boyfriend as he chuckled. "Why do they even make those kinds? I mean, a lot of people don't care whether or not your dick glows in the dark." You chuckled as Ashton wrapped his arm around your neck, kissing your temple as he continued browsing. "I think it would be kind of cool? Like hey, look my penis is green!" He called out, beginning to giggle as you hit his stomach. "Shut up! Do you want us to get caught?" He shook his head and picked up another foreign brand, reading the disclaimer on the back as you sighed. "Come on Ash, now i'm getting impatient." You sighed, rubbing his lower back as he smirked. "Are you now?" You nodded as he connected his lips with yours, the two of you engaging in a full makeout session in the middle of the aisle as you heard giggles coming from behind you. "Ashton and Y/N, you naughty lot you." You wiped your lips and blushed as Ashton chuckled. "Nothing wrong with buying condoms." He said, nodding to the girls as they giggled. "The best kind are the glow in the dark ones!" One girl said, giggling as Ashton picked up the pack again. "Then it's settled."
Calum - "Calum no, please don't get the scented ones. Get Trojan or something." Calum laughed and picked up another scented brand, rubbing at his chin as you hit him on the arm. "What? I would like to smell good when I go inside." He chuckled, as you took them from him, putting them back. "I don't even see the point in those, just get a regular brand and come on. I don't want fans seeing us." You said, checking your surroundings for the tenth time as he sighed. "Babe, don't worry. No one knows we're here." You sighed and nodded as Calum finally chose a brand that wasn't scented. You held his hand as you stood in line, before hearing a few giggles behind you. You were about to tug on Calum when he put the items on the counter as you tried to push the condoms to be rung up first. "Y/N, rel-" "Calum are you two buying condoms?" A girl asked, giggling as you slapped your hand across your face. "Yeah, actually." Your face was beet red as you sighed into Calum's bicep, twitter sure loving the update minutes later

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