Bye Bye

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5SOS Preference : Bye Bye

Ashton: Your daughter stood face to face with the glass in front of her, her eyes trained on the plane that was taking off the runway with her daddy in it. You smiled sadly as she waved goodbye to the plane, knowing she already missed her dad like crazy. She turned around and smiled at you. “Daddy went bye bye but he’ll be back soon.” You smiled and followed after her. “Yeah, he’ll be back soon, baby.”

Luke: “Don’t say bye bye daddy!” the toddler screamed and Luke and you both couldn’t contain your tears. “Daddy has to go on tour buddy, you stay here with mommy until you can come visit, okay?” he shook his head. “I want to come with you daddy!” Luke shook his head and handed him to you. “Good luck!” You say and he nods and quickly runs off leaving you with a screaming 2 year old.

Michael: “Why do i have to say bye bye, daddy?” he asked and Michael shook his head with tears in his eyes. “Because your sister’s not coming back.” “Why?” he asked and Michael looked at you for help but you couldn’t, you were trying to keep your own tears under control. “She went to heaven, that’s her home.” “She went bye bye to heaven? Can i see her?” Michael shook his head. “Not for a long long time.”

Calum: “Bye bye mommy!” she says with a smile on her face and runs into the school, leaving you standing there, a shocked expression on your face. Calum laughed as he sat in the drivers seat. “Looks like she’s growing up already!” You get in the car. “She’s supposed to be sad and hug my legs and begging not to go in, not run in there for her life!” you say a tear escaping your eye and Calum pats your leg. “Don’t worry, we’ll be back to pick her up in three hours!”

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