You're Scared

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You're scared:

Michael: "FUCK THIS!" He grabbed his keys and jacket. "SO THAT'S WHAT YOU DO MIKE, THATS ALL YOU EVER DO YOU JUST WALK OUT ON THINGS" you fought with him. "HEY!" He turned around "This isn't MY fault, maybe if you kept your claws to yourself i WOULDN'T THINK YOUR CHEATING, THAT I MIGHT BELIEVE YOU DESPITE ALL THE COMPELLING EVIDENCE!" he screamed "WHAT EVIDENCE? A FUCKING HEADLINE IN A GOSSIP MAGAZINE GROW THE FUCK UP MICHAEL!" You stormed off into the bedroom. "LOOK WHOS WALKING AWAY NOWWWW" he mocked. "dickhead, that's my best friend!" You yelled at him. "Oh so that's how best friends act and touch each other" he rebelled. "YOUR FUCKED, CANT YOU GET PAST YOUR SELF LOATHING FOR A FUCKING SECOND SO YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND WOULDN'T DO THAT!" You screamed at him walking up to him. "ME? SELF LOATH?" He laughed and turned around "YEAH RUN MICHAEL RUN MATTER OF FACT TURN AROUND AND LEAVE, DONT COME BACK GO ON A NEVERENDING TOUR YOU SEEM HAPPIER WHEN YOUR AWAY FROM ME" you screamed at him. He snapped round turning to face you but you backed and his face dropped. "What was that?" He asked his voice calm but you never answered. "Are.. Are you scared of me?" His voice cracking. "I won't hit you baby, please don-" he walked up to cuddle you but you backed up again. "Baby I'm not ever going to hurt you! I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry!" He cried and forced you into a hug. "I'm never ever going to hurt you okay?" He asked and you nodded into his chest crying. "They aren't true I promise, my friend... He's gay I promise I wouldn't ever do anything like that!" You cried and he kissed your head then stroking from your hair down your back "I know baby I know.. I just had to blow off some steam I'm sorry" he whispered "I love you so much!" He cried. "I love you too baby!"
Ashton: "I'll be home in 15 minuets! Keep it in your pants!" You laughed down the phone to your boyfriend who was in a playful mood. "I can't, I need you nowwwww" he whined. "15 minuets ash!" You laughed and he scoffed "finnnnnnne" before hanging up. You laughed to yourself thinking about how he's keeping himself entertained. "Ewww" you laughed. When you got home all the lights in the house are off and there are no cars in the drive way because Ash got the house to himself this weekend. You parked the car and walked up the drive way softly singing to yourself. When you got inside you called Ash's name but there was no reply. "Ash?" You called gun but still no answer you checked his room upstairs to find it empty. You checked nearly every room in the house. "Fine buttwipe" you scoffed and went to get something from the fridge. You walked around the corner only to be scared by Ash in a scary clown mask. His laugh echoed throughout the house as you jumped. "Scared you, scaredy cat!" He teased and you playfully punched him. "Your an asshole!" You pouted. He tried to hug you but you stormed off you began to walk up stairs to his room but before you closed the door you yelled out "No sex for you, ya clown!"
Calum: "Calum.. I hate these!" You screeched at the suspense of a scary movie. "C'mon babe I'll keep you safe" he laughed bringing you closer to cuddle. "Calum" you whined. He kissed your cheek and made you crinkle up on the side he kissed you. "If it gets too scary I'll turn it off" he sighed and you nodded. You hopped under the covers with him to get warm. "This is such a good part!" He said, his eyes glued to the screen. You hid under the blanket and waited for the scream from the telly. "One.. Two.." The tv. Started to sing. Just as you heard an ear piercing scream from the movie he was watching he put his hands either side of you and squeezed you. "AHHH fuck you!" You screamed. You got a pillow and took the blanket "I'm sleeping on the couch!" You stormed out. "Baby!" He called after you catching your hand "im sorry ill turn it off and well cuddle promise!" He said and pulled you into a hug.
Luke: "you gonna come babe?" He sat next to you on the bed after realising you didn't get up when the guys said they were going out for pizza. "Nah.. I'm going to stay here" you shrugged and turned over so Luke couldn't see your face and played on your phone. "Why? We might even see some fans and that, I know you like talking to them." He said shaking you softly. "So do you.." You mumbled "what?" He asked and let go of you. "Nothing. I'm.. I'm just feeling a little sick, it's okay, go out for dinner." You tried to sound perky. "Is something wrong?" He said and rolled you over to face him. Your watery eyes gave you away and he took your hand and demanded you tell him. "I.. I'm scared." You admitted and although he was confused he acted like he knew what you meant. "No I mean... Don't worry it's not important." You shrugged and tried to roll over again but he stopped you. "Tell me or I'll sit on you" he said tickling you trying to get the finest smile out of you, he hated when you were sad. "Your getting big, there's a lot of fans.. What if.. What if you don't want me anynore?" You stuttered and wouldn't dare to look him in the eyes. "Do you honestly think I'd.. Do you know how much I love you?" He asked and you looked up at him. "Doesn't mean you can't change your mind.." You said quietly and he shook his head. "You think I'm going to suddenly change my mind after 3 years?" He laughed. "You deserve bett-" "don't say that." He fought you. "I love you and I want you and only you forever! Now get your cute little butt up when going for pizza and then well come back here and cuddle and watch spongebob!" He laughed.

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