Give Me Love

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Song Preference: Give Me Love- Ed Sheeran
C A L U M: "Give me love like never before, cuz lately I've been craving more."

You and Cal had been best friends since you were three and he was five, what with yours and his mum being best friends, too. But now, at 15 and 17, you realized how much you loved Calum, and in exactly which way. A way that was more, much much more, than just friends. You were lying in bed, up at 2am for the fourth night in a row, thinking about Calum and what you two could be. 'It doesn't matter,' you thought to yourself with a suddenly heavy heart, 'he has Alison. And how could I compete with her?' You were startled when you heard a knock at your window, but soon recognized the patterned beat as the one you and Cal had made as kids. It signaled trouble, whether it be bullies or parents or siblings, and you knew to meet him on the roof. You threw on a hoodie of his that he had left at your house from sometime before, tied your hair into a messy bun, and climbed out the window and up to the roof to see what was wrong with your best friend. "Cal?" you called cautiously, not seeing him as you peeked your head over the gutter. You turned your head when you heard a sniffle, met by a teary-eyed Calum looking at you in complete heartbreak. "Calum! Oh, my God what the hell happened to you?!" you asked with worry, never seeing him cry this hard over something. "She cheated on me," he whispered, and you heard the way his breath caught in his throat when he said cheated. You felt the blood in your veins start to boil, and despite the fact that Alison was 2 years older than you, you wanted to make her blonde head concave. "Calum, I'm so sorry babe," you comforted, trying to reign in your anger and show your best friend some sympathy. It was hard, because you had warned him, numerous times, that Alison was no good, but he hadn't listened. "You were right, (Y/n)," you heard him sigh beside you, "you were right from the start and I wish I had enough brains to listen to you." "Calum," you began, "she's a damn fool for throwing away the best thing that was in her life, and I'm gonna need you to stop crying because that bitch is not worth your tears." you said sternly, trying to pull a serious face, which only made Calum giggle through his slowing tears. "You're cute when your nose scrunches," he noted, almost absentmindedly, and a look of realization flashed across his face, as if what he'd been looking for all along was right there. "(Y/n).." he stated slowly, as you noted the way his hand brushed yours ever so softly, "I'm going to kiss you now, yeah?" He said with his forehead resting against yours. You gave him a slight nod along with a breathless "okay", and soon, his lips were on yours, gently savoring the feeling. You broke apart, slightly out of breath, as you gazed up at him for what felt like forever, with your foreheads still connected. "I've never felt that way when I kissed Alison," he said softly, grazing his hand down your cheek. "Can we," he continued, "can we do that again?" He asked you timidly, never breaking eye contact, "The things I feel when I kiss you is- it's something I've never felt before." He states. You smile as you feel your cheeks redden, and- taking that as a yes- Calum leans in to kiss you again.

A S H T O N: "Tonight I'll call you, after my blood is drowning in alcohol."

Four days, seven hours, and 37 minutes. That's how long you had been away. Away from the fame, the fans, all the lies. Away from Ashton, your Ashton. It wasn't your fault, you just couldn't handle it. You couldn't take it anymore, all the hate and the rumors; everything that you and Ashton had built your relationship on had gone to shit. It was a bad fight, where you both had said things you hadn't meant, ending with you walking out the door swearing that you'd be gone for good. It took about two hours of venting to your best friend to realize the circumstances you were in, and just how much you missed your boyfriend. You fell into a fitful sleep in your best friend's living room, but you jolted awake when the vibration of your phone started to buzz beside you on the couch. "Fletcher ☀💘" was the caller ID, and hesitantly you answered your phone with a cautious "Hello?", waiting to see what Ashton had to say. "(y-y/n)?" you heard the surprise in his raspy voice as he slurred through the phone, "baby, did you really answer me this time?" he asks, voice cracking in various places as he spoke. You checked the screen, noting the 17 missed calls and 11 unopened voicemails. "Ashton, it's 2:47am, why are you calling?" you questioned coolly. You had to keep yourself in check, to mask your emotions with false confidence, even though you could feel it crumbing away with each ragged breath Ash took. You knew he'd been crying, and the thought made your heart swell- as well as ache- thinking about him hurting the same way you did. "(Y/n) I- I miss you, baby girl. I miss the way you'd poke my dimples when I'd get upset about something, I miss the way you call me Fletcher, I miss your voice, your face, your touch. I. Miss. Y-you." His breath getting more and more uneven as he spoke, and the tears that were in your eyes spilt over, running down your cheeks. "I know I'm not much," he whispered in defeat, "but if you'll have me, I'd want nothing more than to be yours." You let out a soft sob, and your only thought was 'Yes, yes of course a million times yes'. Your mouth wasn't forming coherent words, but knowing you as well as he did, Ashton started to calm you in the way you loved most. He started to sing, and -despite the fact that he hates his voice- he began, 'And that I'll fight my corner, maybe tonight I'll call ya after my blood, is drowning in alcohol, Oh I just wanna hold ya..... My my, my myyy.. Gimme looove' As he sang, you realized you were down the street from the flat.. your's and Ash's flat. You pulled up, and let yourself in, noticing with unease that the door was unlocked. Ashton finished singing to you through the phone, not knowing you had arrived, and as you made your way to him laying with his knees to his chest, you climbed into bed and held him. You smelled the vodka on his breath, but at that moment you didn't care, as he turned his body to face you, gazing at you in awe with his glassy emerald eyes. "(Y/n).. you- you came back to me?" his voice going up at the end, making it more of a question than a statement. You nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck, absorbing the warmth that radiated from his body, making sure there was no space in between the two of you, making it known to him just how much you loved him. "There's no way you're getting rid of me that easily, Fletcher." you said, caressing his face as you placed your lips on his, feeling all the tension dissolve, feeling his love, feeling.. at home.

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