Sleepless nights

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You turned slightly in your bed, trying hard not to wake Ashton- fast asleep next to you. You could hear his soft snores echoing through your room, peaceful and quiet. Letting out a soft sigh, you changed positions, trying to get a little more comfortable. Squeezing your eyes tightly together, you cursed yourself for drinking coffee earlier. You'd be sound asleep by now if you hadn't drunken it. Pulling the covers over your head, you let out a loud groan. Shit. The bed dipped as Ashton sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" He slurred, laying back down, your noses just inches apart. "Three in the morning," you replied, "I couldn't sleep, and I woke you up by accident." He pulled you close, tucking your head just under his chin. "It's okay," You felt his finger tracing aimless patterns on your back. Chills ran down your spine as you smiled into his chest, finally feeling comfortable. "I love you," you whispered, drifting off to sleep. "I love you too, baby."
You were wide awake, still wired from the night's antics. You could feel Calum's arms, wrapped contently around you- his nose pressed lightly on your hair. You blinked at the darkness, thoughts running through your head. Earlier, you had been to your first 5SOS concert since the TMH tour. You had watched your boyfriend prance around on stage, hundreds of teenage girls screaming his name. The screaming was deafening, but you liked the atmosphere of everything. Girls had noticed you, too- running up to you for pictures and details about Calum. You twitched slightly, and felt Calum's grip tighten on you. "Babe? You awake?" you murmured. "Yeah," Calum replied, kissing your neck. "So am I," You turned to face him, giving him a playful peck. He giggled, placing a hand on your cheek. "Wanna do something?" Calum asked. "Why not," you sighed. In the blink of an eye, you could feel the soft sand underneath your toes, as you hugged Calum's waist contently. The sun slowly rose over the soft beach waves. "We should do this more often," You remarked. "Yeah, we should." Calum replied, roughly pressing his lips to yours.
Muting the TV, you surfed channels, yearning for fatigue to catch on so you could finally get to sleep. Tonight had been an bit of an adventure, since you never watched TV much. Late night shows were really trashy, but somewhat entertaining. You had crept out of your bedroom after what seemed like hours of nothing, and had been lazily watching TV since then. Luke had came home earlier, collapsing on the bed. He'd been recording all day, and you didn't want to disturb him. Suddenly, the door to your bedroom opened, and Luke trudged into the living room. His face was illuminated by the TV flickering. His eyes looked dull until he spotted you. You could see his outline as he walked over to you. Without a word, you scooted over, letting him sit next to you. He pulled you into his chest, cuddling you into him. The two of you sat like this for a long while, scrolling through channels, watching bits and pieces of late night shows. "I couldn't sleep," you said, breaking the silence, pulling him closer to you. You felt a pair of lips press against your forehead. "I couldn't sleep without you," Luke replied.
You sat in the corner of your room, scrolling through your mentions. A gigantic lump sat in your throat, tears welling up in your eyes. You held them back, not wanting to wake up Michael, dozing in your bed. "'You're so ugly!",'You don't deserve to be with Michael!'" flashed before your eyes. You let out a choked sound, quickly cupping your hand over your mouth, regretting even looking at your phone at all that day. "Babe..." You heard Michael turn, placing his hand on the spot where he thought you were. "Babe?" He sat up, panicked. "I'm right here," you managed to choke out. "Are you okay?" He got out of bed, and sat next to you. "Y-yeah, I'm fine...," you whispered. He reached out to touch you, but you flinched and backed into the corner. "Babe, what's wrong?" He asked again, a hurt tone in his voice. "I-I," you stammered. Micheal reached out again, pulling you in. Your phone dropped to the ground as you buried your face in your hands, sobbing. "Shh, Y/N... It's okay, let it out...," He whispered into your ear. "Tell me what's wrong," Your body was shaking as you choked out what you read. "Oh, Y/N... I'm the one who doesn't deserve you," He replied when you had finished, kissing your forehead. "Forget about them, please..." You nodded your head, calming down a little. "It's just me and you, babe. Me and you."

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