He Gets Jealous Of Another Band Member

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He Gets Jealous Of Another Band Member 

Ashton: “I want Calum on my team!” We were playing a game if soccer and I was team captain. I obviously chose Calum first because he is a crazy good soccer player. Calum and I have been close for a while now and we’ve been spending a lot of time together recently. I saw Ashton stomp his way back to the park bench, away from everybody. “What’s his problem?” Luke asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and headed over to the bench after him. I found him sitting down on his phone, probably on twitter. “Hey Cal, What’s wrong?” “Nothing” Oh short answers, I see where this is going. I walked over to him and sat beside him on the bench. He didn’t move at all. “Okay seriously, whats wrong?” “Well other than the fact that my girlfriend picked another ahead of me? Oh yeah and you also have been spending more time with one of my friends more than me. He also happens to be the one you picked ahead of me.” I saw that he was hurt. “I didn’t mean to hurt you its just that Luke has long legs and is probably really fast. Calum used to play soccer so I thought he could catch up to him easily. It was strictly strategy, I’m also sorry about that I havent been spending a lot of time with you as much I should.” I turned around so I was now facing him. He still didn’t answer. “Come on, Cal don’t be mad at me” I started kissing him following his jawline. He finally let out a chuckle. “I was acting really childish, I’m sorry Y/N, just make sure you make more time for me” I agreed and kissed his lips. “Time to get back to the game!” I ran back onto the field with Ashton behind me.

Calum: “Cotton candy!” i yelled pointing to the colourful booth. Calum laughed, “Alright love, I’ll go get you some be right back. You can stay with Michael” i watched as my boyfriend walked off. I spun around to face Michael. “Michael! Let’s go play that basketball game!” I screamed like a five-year-old grabbing his hand and dragging him along. He didn’t have much say in the decision but I took him anyways. “Hello! Step right up! If you make 2 of the 3 baskets, you will win this giant teddy bear! Who would like to play today?” the young man asked with a thick British accent. I jumped up and grabbed the ball from his hands before Michael could. “I will,” I said happily. “Are you sure you can play basketball Y/N?” Michael asked a little concerned. “Of course! I’m an expert at these games. Watch and learn,” I said smirking. Michael crossed his arms and leaned back. I inhaled and released the ball. It missed by about 3 feet nearly knocking the British man’s head off. “Whoa!” he said ducking. “Oh my gosh I’m sorry!” I said covering my mouth. He brushed off his top hat, “No worries. You still have 2 more tries.” I took the basketball from him once again. “Here why I don’t help you,” Michael said wrapping his strong arms around yours. I looked behind my shoulder and could feel his hot breath on mine. A sensation I  wouldn’t forget. “Um okay,” I said in a tiny voice. In one quick, fluid motion he moved my arms with his and let the ball go soaring through the air. It landed smack in the middle of the net, and the man clapped. “If you get the next one in. You’ll win this!” he said pointing to the big, pink bear. I smiled and took the ball. Michael took his hands off of mine. Half of me wished they had stayed. “Try it on your own now,” he said. That feeling I had with Michael, completely gone, vanished. I shrugged and remembered it exactly how Michael had showed me. I closed my eyes and released the ball, tumbling through the air bouncing off the rim…right into the net. i spun around in a happy dance cheering, as i saw Calum walking towards me. He didn’t have any cotton candy in his hands. “Where’s my cotton candy?” i pouted. “I was in line for it, when I saw Michael put his arms around my girlfriend,” he said through clenched teeth. He was glaring at Michael mumbling under his breath. “I-” i tried to explain. “It was nothing lad. Don’t be mad. I was just teaching her how to play basketball properly!” Michael defended stepping in front of me, shielding me from an angry Calum. Just then the man running the game tapped me on the shoulder from behind. He handed me the big bear gesturing to Calum. i mouthed a silent thank you and walked infront of Michael. “It’s true. And besides you’re the one I love. If I didn’t like you then I wouldn’t give you this!” i said holding the stuffed animal out at arms length. He grabbed it from me, instantly enveloping it a big hug. “I’ll name you snugglepuff!” he yelled cheerfully before hugging me too. 

Luke: Ashton and I have been close from the start. We had an identical sense of humour which always made it fun. Recently Ashton and I have been hanging out more than usual and we picked up more inside jokes. Luke Ashton and I were hanging out and Ashton and I went about our usual banter. Suddenly Luke just stormed out of the room. “What’s his problem?” “I’m not sure, but you better go check on him.” I knocked on his bedroom door and he didn’t say anything. The door was unlocked so I went on in. “Lukey? What’s wrong?” He was sitting at the edge of his bed blankly looking out the window. “How do you think it feels to lose your best friend and girlfriend? Pretty crappy.” “Lose us? What do you mean lose us?” “You and Ashton have been spending more and more time together. You guys have so many inside jokes I can’t even keep up. It’s like I’m losing both of you to each other.” “You’re not losing either of us. We both love you very much and we don’t mean to make you feel left out.” I looked deeply into his blue eyes. “I guess I was kind of over reacting. It just gets frustrating.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “Awe isn’t this sweet! I love you guys too!” Ashton came into the room pulling us both into a hug.

Michael: For the past couple of weeks I have been hanging out with Luke a lot. We have the same interests so it was only natural that we’d become close. There was nothing more than a good friendship and I was excited to have a good best friend like Luke. I could tell it bothered Michael, a bit but I thought he understood. “I’m bored” I whined. Michael and I were having a night in and so far all we’ve done is watched TV. “Why don’t you call you ‘best friend’ Luke and hang out with him.” he snapped at me. “Are you being serious? I’m here spending time with you! Why would I do that?” “Well maybe because you guys are more than friends.” “you have to be freaking kidding me. Luke and I are only friends!” “Yeah. I wonder how long that will last.” “You are sitting here bashing out one of your best mates. You should know that Luke would never do anything like that.” I turned away from him on the couch signalling that I was done with the argument and I was pissed with him. We stayed turned from each other for about 10 minutes. I felt Michael put his head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry Y/N. I know you or Luke would never hurt me. I guess I’m just jealous because you guys have spent a lot of time together and I want that time.” I sat there in silence for a while but then he started to kiss my neck. “You know I can’t stay mad at you when you do that!” I turned and faced my boyfriend. “I know you can’t. I’m just so irresistible.” “Don’t test it. Just don’t accuse me of stupid stuff like that. Got it?” “Got it.” he pulled me into a tender kiss. The rest of the night wasn’t boring at all.. 

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