Chapter 35: Checkmate

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"Check." Soohyuk pushes one bishop, cornering my King.

My eyes widen, "Check?" I rolled my eyes up at him.

"Check." He repeats, tilting his head to point at the move he made. "Your turn..." He raises his hand to inspect his nails, "...or should I say... CHECK.MATE." Soohyuk exaggerates, telling me that I have nothing more to move because I'm trapped and I can't move my King.

I swallowed a lump on my throat, feeling the heat rise up my cheeks because I lost. "Uhmm..." I scratched my head with a finger.

"What now, Mrs. Lee Minjung?" He chuckles deeply as he leaned back on his chair that was across me as he crosses his arms in victory. "You lost in 4 moves."


I blinked my eyes at him. "Uhmm..." I'm not ready to accept the consequence yet. "Soohyuk-ssi..." I rolled up my eyes at him seeing him grin at my loss.

He raises his brows, "Uhum? Yes?" He mockingly asks in a girly tone.

I bit my lower lip, swallowing my pride before getting teary eyed. "C-can we please..." I really am not ready. And the consequence he told me is unfair!

He pushes his back from the lean of his chair, coming closer at me with his evil expression of victory rubbed in his face. "Can we what? I'll prepare a room in Paris." He winked at me.

"ONE MORE GAME PLEASE!" I shut my eyes close as I pointed out one finger, placing my hand on my face in embarrassment. "please... just one more game."

Soohyuk grits his teeth as he sighs.

He unbuttoned his suit before sitting down properly on his seat, his fingers suddenly scattered on the chess table, taking his favorite pieces: BLACK.

I sighed in relief.

Thank goodness.


"Checkmate, honey." He says sweetly, flashing a smile on his face. He licks his lower lip as he tilted his head.

My eyes were wide open again, looking at how he can beat me in just 20 moves or so. Looking at our game, I clapped my hands together, placing it in front of my face as I shut my eyes close to beg. "Please! ONE MORE!" I begged again and again.

Why is it that I really can't win this easy game?! WHY NOW OF ALL TIME?!?!

Soohyuk grunts, rolling his eyes in the process. He stands up before dusting off his pants, looking down at me with his mono look. "Again?" He asks giving me hopes.

I nodded as I pouted my lower lip, "Please?"

Soohyuk colors red, same color as his suit, before biting his lip. "WE'VE PLAYED THIS GAME 6 TIMES IN A ROW! AND YOU LOST 6 TIMES IN A ROW!" He shouts at me, but not that loud. "AND I WON 6 TIMES IN A ROW!"

Yes, that's true. He really won 6 times in a row. But I just can't accept the fact that I lost. I don't want to accept the consequence.

I also turned red, just by imagining the consequence. I mean, how will he even do it? I just can't!

He huffs a huge sigh, causing his chest to rise up and make his shirt tighter to look at. "Isn't it time for you to accept your defeat and take the consequence? HMMM?!?" He bends down to lean forward close to me.

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