Truth Or Dare.

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Omg my first Amyplier thing
I've never written anything related to Amy & Mark so I'm a bit giddy rn




Amy yawned, stretching as she slowly woke up, the sun basically blinding her. It took time but soon her eyes got used to the light and she threw the covers off and as if on cue, a jingle rung through her house.
The doorbell? This early? Amy shook her head and quickly made her way to the front door, peaking through the blinds to see who it was. Amy squealed as she opened the door, there stood, Signe, Amy's close friend ever since they met.

Marzia was friends with Amy and had introduced her to Felix, who introduced her to Mark, Jack, and soon Signe.

Amy hugged Signe, giggling.

"Morning! I hope I didn't wake you!" Signe exclaimed as Amy invited her in, "You didn't! Is there a reason you came so early?"

"Yes, actually. Sean--" Signe quickly corrected herself, Amy didn't know Jack's real name. "I mean Jack, texted me, asking if me and Marzia wanted to come over and I wanted to bring you," Signe said as they walked to Amy's bedroom.

Amy looked at Signe as she sat down on her bed. "Huh? Why me?"

"Marks gonna be there---"

"I knew it!" Amy laughed, throwing her head back.

"But you like Mark, don't you lie to me! I can clearly tell!" Signe pressed, smiling.

"I do not. But, if you want, let me get ready and I'll see you there?" Amy suggested as she stood up off her bed. Signe nodded as she made her way back to the front door, opening it, "I'll text you the address!"

"Thanks!" Amy said as Signe shut the door, with a sigh, Amy walked into her bathroom, grabbed two towels and stripped down, soon hopping in the shower.


Amy hopped out, grabbing the towels, wrapping one around her body and one in her hair, making her way back to her room, she went through her closet to find something.

She soon settled on just a plain black tank top and a pink flannel shirt, along with a pair of skinny leg jeans, she smiled, carefully putting everything on, she soon pulled the towel off her head, letting her hair fall.

Standing in front of her dresser, she picked up her brush and carefully brushed out her hair as her phone dinged, she check it;

Signe 💋
I talked to Mark & he's cool with u coming so, **** on 5th street! See ya there!

Amy smiled as she set her phone down and finished brushing her hair.

She soon slipped on some flat boots, zipping them up, she proceeded to blow dry her hair slightly.


She finally finished getting ready, grabbing her wallet, keys and a jacket, she locked the door and closed it, getting into her car, she turned the key until it completely started, before she pulled off, she texted Signe.

on my way!


Signe looked at her phone as it went off;

"Who was that?" Felix asked as he popped a chip in his mouth.

"Amy, she's on her way."

Mark shifted in his seat, excited to see her, it had been a few weeks since they've seen each other, and he couldn't wait!

Soon the sound of someone knocking emitted from the front door and Marzia jumped to it, immediately opening it and embracing Amy in a tight hug.

"Amy!" Marzia exclaimed, giggling as she led Amy to where the rest were.

Amy looked to Jack as he waved, then Felix, Signe, and finally Mark.

He was smiling at her from ear to ear, Amy then opened her arms to him as he stood up, "Bring it in, ya' goofball." She said as Mark hugged her tightly, slightly lifting her off her feet, causing her too yelp in surprise. He set her down and let go of her, even though he didn't want too, and neither did she.

"So we decided to play truth or dare, you in, Amy?" Felix asked as he tried to shoot the balled up bag of chips in the trash but Mark caught it and threw it in, everyone staring at him now.

"Show off.." Felix muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that." Amy said as she sat down in a chair, Marzia taking her seat next to Felix, he immediately wrapped an arm around her, causing Amy to smile, it amazed her how all her friends had such loving boyfriends.

"So," Signe started, "Amy, truth or dare?"

She pondered the question a second before saying, "Truth."

"Is it true.." Signe began before Marzia cut her off, "You think Mark is hot?"

Jack choked on his drink and, Felix laughed and Mark's face went a deep red as he stared at Amy, awaiting her answer, finally, she slowly nodded, causing Felix to smirk and say, "Alright, alright, alright."


It was around 7pm now, they had stayed longer than they planned but they were all cool with it.

Felix spoke up, "Mark! Truth or dare?"


Jack whistled due to the way Mark said it; a deep, slightly demanding tone, causing Amy to even shudder.

"Kiss Amy." Felix blurted out, Amy covered her face as her cheeks were a bright red, soon she felt strong hands remove hers from her face, and she stared Mark straight in his chocolate brown eyes, finally, Mark pulled her closer and kissed her.

Amy tensed up slightly at first, startled by the kiss, but soon she melted into it, kissing him back. They had seemed to forgot that they had an audience, they had soon broke apart though due to the click of a camera on someone's phone and the flash.

Mark and Amy turned to see Felix holding his phone up.

"I ship it!"

Amy bursted into giggles and Mark just shook his head, happy that Felix had dared him to do that.

Best game of truth or dare, ever!


aaaaa I did it!

I hope it was good !! :0

-izzy 💕

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