A New Chapter: My Youtube Channel

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Sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth, I've been considering writing new works soon. However, while that's up in the air I thought I would link you all to my new project; My Youtube channel that I've created with my best friend Jordyn, Daydrinkers.

I've tossed up whether to link this channel here for a few weeks now and I've finally decided it IS a good decision, as you guys are the people who have supported my content since 2013 when I first started being an open creator on the internet.

I guess since this phan fiction is a Youtube based fic, you guys all have Youtube accounts and might be able to help me. Right now Jordyn (My best friend) and I only have 25 subscribers, we make weekly comedic videos and work really hard on the editing and put alot of thought inot our videos.

Overall this channel has been a massive release for me, I love making new videos every week but sometimes it's hard to motivate myself to edit when there are minimal people watching, and minimal people reacting to the content I work so hard on.

So if you're an avid reader of this fic, and you wanna support me a little more with this channel that I've been trying so hard to grow, it'd mean a lot if you'd hit that subscribe button and watch a few of the videos I've already made.

I've been considering doing a "Reacting to my Phan Fiction Comments" so if you guys want that go to my latest video and comment if you think it'd be a good idea.

Again thank you so my for the support on this fic, it's constantly unreal to me that it has reached almost 3 million reads. Remember I would never promo anything to you guys unless I whole heartedly believed you would enjoy it, and I honestly think you guys will!

Thanks so much! 

- Amber

https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeWireMe - Channel link

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