Changes-Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

I wasn't sure about how to introduce Niall to my friends. Zayn, Harry and Louis weren't general jugemental guys, but I was still worried about how they'd react to my... well, to Niall. What do I even call him? My friend? My best friend? Or just the boy I have to look after for my job? I don't know. It'd be nice to know what he thought of me.

So I drove Niall to Louis's house where all three of my friends were staying for the time being. Apparently Harry had a real big fight with his mother and now is lounging around Louis's house, and Zayn just decided to stay to get in with the gossip.

I was texting Louis on the way, despite Niall's protests of danger, and Harry wouldn't tell them why he fell out with his mum. I calmly explained to Lou that it was probably personal and not to push him into spilling the beans, but I kinda wanted to know what was up, too.

I hated my car. It was a crappy VW Polo which cost me £200 at some stupid car sale. I didn't have the money for a metalic silver SUV which cost £14000 so I had to stick with the Polo. But it did its job, so I guess I'm not complaining much. But I felt embarrassed driving Niall in this pile of rubble so my cheeks were flushed as he inspected it.

"I didn't think you were really going to indroduce me to your friends, Li," Niall commented as I pulled up outside of Louis's giant house. It had an enormous front porch and three floors. Louis had his own vast bedroom, including a study, a game room and even a room for his Yorkshire Terrier, Oscar. It baffled me.

All of my friends lived with their parents except me. I moved out when I was eighteen because I was saving up all my money. I hated living with my mother and father, but not because I disliked them. No, I loved them as much as any man could love their folks. But... well, I enjoyed my own space.

"Yeah, well," I replied a minute later, locking up my Polo and guiding Niall to the front door. He didn't seem to surprised at the size of the house. Instead he himself knocked on the brown door and smiled to himself. The first time I saw him smile.

Louis yanked the door open with a huge grin on his face and hugged me, his face nuzzling my well-built chest. Once he let me go, he smiled sweetly at Niall.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, mate," he greeted, shaking hands with the blonde boy. I eyed him and my expression read don't scare him off, Tommo.

But Niall was fine. "Nice to meet you, Louis. I'm Niall. Niall Horan."

"Well, don't wait ouside in the cold, guys," Louis rolled his eyes and gestured us to enter. "Harry and Zayn are in the games room playing Fifa. I was playing with them but I kept winning so I thought it was unfair." He winked and Niall giggled.

I stepped inside and the first thing I smelt was fresh paint mixed with Louis's Lynx shampoo and spray. The walls were freshly painted bright yellow which, in fact, really suited the room. I jogged upstairs followed by Niall and Louis behind and strolled into the games room on the second floor.

Harry and Zayn were, in fact, on Fifa playing against each other and Zayn was winning by two goals. Harry didn't seem to mind too much; he turned around and grinned at me and Niall with those dimples planted into his reddened cheeks. His messy curly brown hair was tugged back with a dark green bandana which really bought out his emerald eyes.

Zayn also spun around and half-smiled at us like Harry. His hair was styled up into a quiff like Niall's and Louis's, but his look was entirely different. He wore all black- black jeans, black GNR T-Shirt and black boots.

"You turned goth now, Z?" I joked, and I heard Louis's faint chuckle from behind me. Niall stayed glued to my hip and I could feel his warm body heat ooze into my skin. It was... kinda nice. I squirmed and shook my head. No. I can't have those feelings towards him. He's just my student.

"I think it looks sick," Zayn protested, turning the screen onto WII menu and whirled around to face us completely. "Harry thinks I'm copying his look but I'm not. This is totally original."

Harry was known to wear all black with the usual bandana, so I got to say it- Zayn was sort of using his look, but I also had to admit it suited him. Zayn's olive skin really did mix in with the all-black scenario.

"So, this is the famous Neil," Harry chuckled and twirled around in his gaming chair like Zayn did, the same grin plastered on his face and those dimples forming.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Niall, Harry. Jeez. You'd think you'd know that of the amount of times I've mentioned hi-" I cut off and bit my lip. Shit. Okay, so now Niall knew I talked about him to my friends constantly. I glanced over at him and he was peering at me with those sapphire-blue eyes shining in the dim atmosphere.

"Liam talks about you all the damn time," Zayn explained, his eyes totally focused on Niall and ignoring my glowers. "It's all Niall this and Niall that. He's like... he's like in love with you or somethin'! Ha, ha."

Louis smacked Zayn's arm hard, causing Zayn to slam his fist into Louis's stomach. But Zayn was pretty hard so the connection really hurt Lou, causing him to tumble over and clutch his stomach in obvious pain. I glared at Zayn and went to help Louis up.

"Don't you dare give me that look, Payne!" Zayn spat, his eyebrows knitting together. "He totally deserved that, all right? He smacked me first."

Harry snorted. "That's 'cause you were bullshitting about Liam liking Niall, Z. Look, mate, we all accept that you have anger issues or something, but you gotta learn when to hold back or keep your mouth glued shut."

I eventually got Louis up on his feet but there was a blatant bruise forming on his stomach. I mean, I get that Lou slapped him, but Zayn knows how hard he can get and how muscular he is, so there was no need for that! 

"Just glad he didn't kick me in the balls," Louis joked, his voice hoarse to show hurt. That was so like Louis to even joke when it was no time for joking. I ruffled his hair and went to stand back next to a helpless Niall who was wide-eyed and shocked.

I bent down to whisper in his ear. "Don't worry, love. This happens all the time. We'll all kid about it later; Zayn just has two personalities. One: loving and caring Zayn who is such a nice guy it kind of hurts your heart. Two: bastard, angry Zayn who's as violent as fuck if he doesn't get his way or someone teases him. Totally."

Niall giggled silently  and he looked so adorable I had to kiss him at the side of his head. Just on his forehead. No big deal, right? 

Well, he seemed to enjoy it.

"Well, if you love birds are done making out," Zayn chuckled, "I think it's time to rob a bank."

Niall gasped and backed away towards the door, his eyes wider than before and his mouth open in bewilderment. I rolled my eyes at Zayn and raised my eyebrows at him to tell Niall the truth. Jeez. Niall should know by now I'm not one of those gangster geezers who go out every night to rob someone's grandma or kill a puppy or something.

"Gee, I'm kidding," Zayn snickered. "Let's go get some pizza?"

Niall sighed in relief. "Good idea, Zayn."

I bit my lip. Was I willing to let Niall join our... cult? Or was it too weird?



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Read her first story Coffee Shop-1D Fanfic.


Thank you, my lovelies<3

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