Allies for The Games

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Phoenix Mayflower ( District One ) P.O.V:

I stare out the window as we pull up in District Two and wait for the tributes. That is one disadvantage of being reaped first I guess, you don't get to see the other Districts. I'm sharing the table with Reina, Linus, Mitch and Howard. We've decided to team up, we will ask two more so we have a team of seven. Hopefully Two will have some careers. Eight get through, so it's best we don't have eight in our allience. If we have too many people, the other tributes will be forced to fight us. But if we have a smaller amount, they will fight amongst themselves to avoid facing careers. if we have seven,after the bloodbath it could be reduced so it's smarter to start off big.

'' Here they come.'' Says Reina and we all rush to the window.

This is the first ever year all of the tributes have been on the same train, it's usualy one train per District but this year they changed it. Probably because there is more in each District. The tributes step onto the platform with their escort. Five boys and one girl, she looks about ten, probably twelve or thirteen though. They board the train and are ushered into the nextdoor cabin, but once the escort leaves two enter our section.

'' We wanna team up.'' Says one boy in a hushed tone to our table.

The other boy just stands beside him and looks at us.

'' You both careers?'' Questions Linus and Mitch together.

'' Yeah.'' They reply in sync.

'' Welcome aboard.'' Says Reina happily.

Ayla Kelling's ( District One ) P.O.V:

I've always thought it unfair that the careers team up, it's annoying but I guess this year it's the smarter option, seeing as eight survive this Games. I wouldn't like to be in such a big group though, the rations would be split up and end up like nothing. Maybe I can ask someone from Three, they're usually smart, or maybe someone from four. That girl Phoenix asked me to join their alliegence but I declined. She seemed curious to why but the other careers mocked me about it and laughed. I had concidered joining them, but I could never trust them. Besides, the only reason I volunteered this year was to replace my sister, I was not fully ready to volunteer as a career, but I guess I didn't really have a choice.

Misty Kaiser's ( District Three ) P.O.V:

We stand beside our escort on the platform and wait for the train to pull up. It is not in sight yet but I can hear the tracks rattling and know it's not far away. The six of us stand in silence, Devina doesn't say much either. She hates being an escort, it's clear by the way she acts. She picked six girls to represent District Three. Hopefully they won't all expect me to team up with them. There are two girls that have caught my eye, Odelia Black from Three and Ayla Kelling from One. Odelia and I may be young, but I am definitly smarter than half the tributes here and I'd say Odelia is the same. Ayla doesn't seem like the other careers, she seems normal. But, I guess we'll just have to see. The train comes into view and Devina tells us to step back away from the edge.

Oasis Talbott's ( District Four ) P.O.V:

We exit the Justice Building, leaving our families and friends behind...hopefully not forever. Ginerva is skipping happily ahead of us and we follow slowly, in single file. There are a couple of Peacekeepers marching beside us, I guess it's to stop us escaping. As if there would be anywhere to run. We walk through the town and receive a few stares of sympathy from windows, but deep down I know those people are relieved someone they knew made it through the reapings. We follow the path and come to the station. The train is waiting for us and I see the faces of the other tributes from One, Two and Three.We enter the train and enter a carriage.

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