Opening Ceremonies

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  • Dedicated to Me ( As I made this cover! )

Universal P.O.V:

I watch as the golden chariots enter the circle.This year, they will be larger, six will be on each as opposed to just two.They are more like parade floats than chariots and the crowd cheers wildly as last years victor, Zeph Fillium enters in his chariot surrounded by five adoring women. He is dressed in a white suit with a red number ' Eleven ' stitched into the left coat pocket. In one hand, he clutches his victory weapon, his bow and quiver of poisoned arrows. He very impressively poisoned the tips inside the arena using venom from the tracker jackers we sent in. His other hand was wrapped around the woman next to him. He faves his bow to the crowd and fires an arrow into the wall beneath the spectators who scream with glee.

His chariot begins to do laps of the circle as the tributes chariots exit theholding area. First comes District One with the six careers. The tributes sit in pairs, the female tributes beside the males. The three boys are wearing silver tuxedos and top hats and clutch walking sticks in their hand. The females are wearing long dresses lined with jewels and wear necklaces, rings and bangles. They look like Capitol citizens, less the crazy hair and make up. They wave to the crowd and blow kisses and follow Zeph Fillium's chariot around the circle.

District Two then enters the circle. Mia, District Two's only female tribute sits in the middle of the five males. They are all wearing peacekeeper outfits except they have been tweaked and now look more fashionable. Mia's is the top half of the uniform but at the waist it cuts off and is replaced by a small white tutu. Fir the boys, they wear the peacekeeper helmet and then suits with the peacekeeper symbol stitched into it. They pretend to use their weapons on the crowd and they cheer happily.

District Three is next,  the all girl District. On their chariot, are fake school desks which they sit behind. They are wearing short skirts, white shirts and loose ties. Their hair is tied in two ponytails on either side of their heads and they each wear big thick-framed glasses. They look like very stylish and fashionable nerds. They wave to the audience cheekily and there is a couple of wolf whistles. The blush and join the parade ahead of them.

Finally, District Four comes out, the fishing District. The four boys are dressed like surfers, in sunglasses, shorts and flip-flops. They smile to the crowd and stand up on the chariot and act as if they are on boards catching waves in the sea. The two girls sit on either side of the chariot, smiling in their mermaid outfits. They have long fins from the waist down, wear a star-fish bikini and have their hair hanging loosely by their shoulders. They wink at the crowd, blow kisses and shake their fins.

They join the other four chariots and do a couple of laps of the circle as the Capitol crowd goes crazy for them, tossing flowers and screaming their names. Their names are called out one by one, they bow and then they all depart the circle.

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