Hunger Games: Day One - Part Two

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  • Dedicated to To Me ( As I made banner )

David Black's P.O.V:

'' We actually got quite a bit. This place is loaded.'' Laughs Precious joyfully.

'' I know right. Pity Dakota and her crew got here before us, if we had gotten here first we could have stopped them from getting anything.'' I reply.

'' If only we had gotten to the bow before she did.'' Adds Flint.

'' At least I got the sword before Casper did, he is pretty good with that thing.'' I smile.

'' Come on guys, we can't be moaning about ' if only's,' I think we did pretty well.'' Begins Fleur. '' We all survived, so far, we have taken control of the cornucopia, we each have our chosen weapon, and we are safe. The other tributes are either on the island or the ship, all that can make it better will be if some tough people died today.'' 

''  We will find out later tonight I guess.'' I add. '' Now, what exactly do we have here?''

Precious and Fleur begin emptying the two packs that were left here, we can already see what other stuff we have. A whip, a sword, two stacks of throwing knives, two life jackets ( not that any of us need them ) a small first aid kit, a fire starter, a few water bottles ( all full ), three torches, two fishing rods and some bait, and finally three sleeping bags. 

'' In this bag we have a dagger, a loaf of bread, some more fishing bait and a net.'' Says Fleur, emptying the contents of the bag in our stash of supplies at the very back of the horn, as safe as possible.

'' This one has a dagger, some bait, a net, some spare clothes, some googles and flippers, and a loaf of bread.'' Smiles Precious and adds them to the pile.

'' We have a lot of fishing bait, wanna do some fishing?'' Smiles Flint to me.

'' Yeah sure.'' I reply, then turn to the girls. '' You two can stay here and rest a bit.'' 

'' Thanks, but I think I will arrange this pile of crap.'' Smiles Fleur.

'' Same. But Fleur, don't you mean this pile of vital, life saving crap?'' Laughs Precious and they get to work.

Myself and Flint climb out of the cornucopia and onto the roof of it, my first observation is the girl standing on the metal disk a few meters away, Florence.

'' Can't you swim?'' Calls Flint, with a grin on his face.

'' Are you thick? Look at me, I'm soaking wet and I have a bag of supplies, I've just made three kills and I am resting for a second since the two of you aren't much a threat.'' She snorts back.

'' Oh really?'' Smiles Flint and takes out his throwing knives from his pocket. 

He launches one through the air at Florence but she is quick to react and raises her bag to protect herself. The knife impales her bag and there is a pop, hopefully Flint punctured her water bottle or something. She curses and jumps into the water, putting some distance between us.

'' For now, I will leave you!'' She shouts, but I will be back. And Flint, you'll be the first to die.''

We watch her swim off, towards the small island in the distance, the one with Bell and her gang on it. At least she's not our problem for now.

'' OK then.'' Smiles Flint. '' Let's do some fishing.''

We cast are rods into the water and wait, relaxing in the sun as if it is a normal summers day and we are not in an arena where we must fight to the death with other kids our age.

'' I think I've got something.'' I smile and begin to real in the rod.

This isn't so bad. I think to myself. We are fine until the Capitol get bored, and hopefully Florence is about to give them some entertainment on that island.

Amy March's P.O.V:

'' Not much further!'' Calls RIkari back to us as she draws closer to the ship looming before us. 

From back at the horn, the ship didn't look very big, then again, it did look so far away either. But the main thing is, we are putting a good bit of distance between ourselves and the other tributes, which is good. But just because we are away from the other tributes doesn't mean we are safe, God only knows what could be waiting for us on this ship.

I haul myself on board after scaling the ropes on the side of the ship, I climb over the edge of the ship and flop onto the floor, exhausted, like the others. The five of us only too narrowly escaped the cornucopia with supplies and our lives, the other tributes were upon us unbelievably quick.

'' So what have we got?'' Asks Rikari, taking the bag from Casper's shoulders and puring the contents of it out in front of us.

I smile as I see a dagger, a stack of throwing knives, two life jackets, a fishing rod and bait and a loaf of bread. Maverick then removes his bag and pours it's contents onto the pile. A loaf of bread, two daggers, a net and some bait, a loaf of bread, some waterbottles, binoculars and a first aid kit. Then Dakota steps forwards, placing down a bow she snatched along with a large quiver of arrows. She also plaves down soem throwing knives and a dagger.

'' We did pretty well.'' I smile after I finally get my breath back.

'' Yes we did.'' Adds Maverick. '' Let's go explore this ship, see if there's anything else here.''

We first search the captain's quarter on deck level and find a huge double bed. The room has a large dresser and two lockers, one either side of the bed, but they are all empty. We head below deck, there are quite a number of rooms and we spend a while investigating each, sadly there's nothing of much use in any. At the end of the hall, there is a room which is pretty big, it too has a double bed but there is plenty more room so we decided to move in. We carry down a wardobe from one of the earlier rooms and set it up in the room, storing away are weapons and food. We then head back upstairs to the captain's room and rob the matress, dragging it downstairs to the room.

When we are finally done shifting furniture, the room is well fortified. We have three matress, all from double beds that are now lining the floor. The wardrobe is stocked with supplies and food. Confident we are safe now, we head back up to the deck. I am surprised to see the sun going down, I guess time flew a lot faster than I thought it did whilst we moved the furniture. We sit on deck, after a while Rikari retireves some food from the wardrobe and we have some food. Soon after, the Capitol anthem blares through the arena, and then the faces of the dead appear in the sky.

From District Nine, the two young boys, Jack and Wilbur.

From District Ten, three deaths, Russel, Vinny and Rodrick.

From District Eleven, three deaths, Fern, Robert and Trevor.

From District Twelve, one death, Oscar Mason.

The anthem plays again and then the sky goes dark.

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