Hunger Games: Day Two - Part One

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Bonnie Reale's P.O.V:

I jolt upwards to the deafening sound of a cannon booming through the arena. It woke me up from a horrible nightmare, not as if this place is any better. The others beside me slowly wake, the tree we are in is huge, big enough for three more comfortably. We are well hidden up here and well secured. In the only pack we managed to get, we got pretty lucky, afterall it was basically inside the cornucopia.

We got a sleeping bag, a flask of soup, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, a fire starter, a torch, batteries, a first aid kit and a dagger. The other two managed to swipe an axe and spear from round the horn while the bloodbath was raging.

'' Was that a cannon?'' Gasps Celia, sounding shocked.

'' You think Willow's crew got someone, or do you think it was something in the arena?'' Asks Caine.

'' What do you mean?'' I ask.

'' Remember in the last Games? The tracker-jackers...what did they call it?'' Says Celia but Caine finishes her off.

'' A 'special attraction' I think.'' He says.

 '' Shh.'' I whisper, seeing someone approaching our direction from below.

'' Is that Chris?'' Whispers Celia, confused and shocked.

'' I think so.'' I reply.

We watch him, he runs into the clearing below us, he is incredibly twitchy, jolting back and forward, a dagger raised in front of him defensively. He keeps spinning around, looking in different directions. He is gasping loudly and he looks paniced. A few seconds later, Willow, Bruno and Clarissa appear into the clearing. I am breathing heavily and loudly, but I try hard to mask the noise.

'' Hi Chris.'' Grins Willow, her twin sai's gripped tight in each hand.

'' Willow.'' He says, nodding his head.

'' Is that all you got?'' She jeers. '' A dagger?''

'' I swiped it from some midget yesterday. He was an easy kill.'' He says.

'' I think we could use someone like you for a while, wanna team with us?'' She asks, and Bruno and Clarissa look shocked.

'' OK.'' He says, lowering his weapon.

'' Take this.'' Smiles Bruno, handing him a bow and a large quiver of arrows and my eyes enlarge.

She has just given that tipsy freak possibly the only bow and arrows in the arena. There is no way he knows how to use them, if I can get it off him, I'm set.

Bruno Chase's P.O.V:

'' Why are you taking him?'' I whisper angrily to Clarisse as we leave the small clearing and head into the forrest, Chris and Willow slightly ahead of us.

If we had killed him it would have been two deaths so far today, God knows who's dead and how they died, but someone did.

'' Let's just go with it for now. We can always ditch her later on.'' She smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

'' OK.'' I smile and we follow the others.

Even Tucker's P.O.V:

'' Guys, we have to move, now!'' I shout, running back to the two love birds.

'' What?'' Says Maya, sounding confused.

'' Willow...'' I say, gasping for breath, finding it hard to breath. '' And the others...Chris is with them...''

'' Calm down, catch your breath and explain slowly.'' Says Jason irratably.

'' No! We have to go now!'' I scream, swinging my pack over my shoulders and throwing Maya's at her. I begin to run the opposite direction and they don't follow.

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