4|| Acknowledge Me.

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"I've got 2 know, how can U give your body 2 another, when your mind is here with me?"

"So, what happened last night?" Josie asks as we sat down on the bed, just wasting time. We were showered and dressed, but she didn't seem as if she was ready to leave just yet. And neither did I. To be honest, I wasn't ready to face Zayn just yet.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Well, you fell asleep on us. Prince and I talked a little bit. He asked me why I wasn't married yet and I told him one reason was Zayn wants us to move into our new home. Then, he asks what's the other reason why I haven't gotten married yet-."

"And you said....?"

"I could barely speak. But the only words I could say was I wanted him."

Josie's eyes grew wide. "What?!"

"I know. I shouldn't have told him that, but it just slipped out."

"How did he respond when you said it?"

"He said, take what you want, baby. I'm not stopping you."

"Oh my God...he said that...?" She asks as we now decide to get up and go down to the first floor. Maybe we can get something to eat before we go.

"Yes, he did. I told him I couldn't cheat on Zayn."

"So, is that why I saw you coming out of Prince's room looking guilty?"

"I was not looking guilty! And no, that's not why I was in his room. I went there to tell him that the flirting has to stop. But then he started kissing my neck-."

Josie's eyebrow raised out of curiosity and a small smile made its way to her lips. "And?"

"And nothing. We both agreed that we needed to stop before things got out of hand."

"That's it? Y'all stopped just like that?"

I nodded as we made our way into the kitchen. His chef was already there, making breakfast. I'm assuming Prince already asked for it. We greeted the chef and received a polite smile and nod back.

"You're better than me, Am. If he and I were alone in that room, we definitely wouldn't be talking." Josie says, as we sat at the table, getting back into our conversation.

My eyes widened and a flush of color made its way to my cheeks.

I can't believe she just said that.


"What? It's the truth. And you know if you were single you'd be saying the same thing."


The moment that word left my lips, I looked up and my brown orbs connected with Prince's light brown ones across the room. His hair was just a little messy, face bare of that eyeliner and stuff he wears sometimes, and a small smile was playing on his lips. This was him in his rawest form.

And I must say, I kind of like seeing this side of him.



"Good morning, ladies." He calls out as he walks over to us, breaking my train of thought. He sits in the chair next to me.

"Good morning." We reply at the same time while the chef sat our plates on the table in front of us.

While we ate, we engaged in a conversation that I didn't want to end. But I knew that it would have to eventually because I'm going to have to go back to Zayn and tell him where I've been.

Whether I want to or not.

I groaned, hearing my cellphone ring for the third time today. I was expecting this, but it still made me quickly grab my phone from its place on my lap.

"Don't do that." A deep, soft, voice called out to me before I could press the button to end the call. I looked up, and my brown orbs connected with Prince's light brown ones again. "He'll know when you send him straight to voicemail. Just let it ring."

How did he know Zayn is calling me?

"Okay." I responded and sat my phone back on my lap. After about ten minutes, it stopped ringing and a notification for a voicemail popped up on my screen. I sighed.

If Zayn knew why I wasn't answering my phone right now...

"I hate that we have to eat and run, but I think thats our cue to go." Josie says after finishing her orange juice and placing the cup on the table next to her empty plate.

I nodded, finished up my own juice, and sat the cup on the table. A woman walks into the kitchen and takes our dishes over to the sink to wash them.

She must be the maid.

"Oh, well let me walk you ladies to the door." Prince says, once the maid leaves, as we all stand up and make our way out of the kitchen.

Once we made it to the door, Josie hugged Prince and promised she would see him again soon. He smiles at that. I'm guessing he wouldn't mind seeing her again. Who wouldn't? She's fun to be around.

When it was my turn to say goodbye, I almost hesitated because I wasn't ready to leave. What made me hug him back, was the fact he was the one to pull me into him first. And I was kind of glad he did.

"Don't sleep with him tonight." He says, his voice dropping an octave lower than before, sending chills down my spine. I almost didn't catch what he just said. Almost.

My left eyebrow raised as I pulled back to survey his face, wondering what made him say that. "Why? He's my fiancé. We sleep in the same bed together-."

"You know what I mean, Amelie. I'm not talking about sleeping in the same bed with him."

He's right.

I do know what he means.


"Just promise me you won't sleep with him tonight and you'll come back to visit again soon." He quickly says, interrupting me. I nodded, deciding not to say anything else.

He smiles a little and hugs me one last time before letting me go.

* * *

"There you are! I've been calling and texting you." Zayn says once I finally made it inside our new home. I looked around and felt really bad that I wasn't here to help set up everything.

"Sorry, babe. Our errands turned into an overnight thing."

"You couldn't call me back and let me know you'd be longer than you said?"

"I know, I should have. But I knew you were probably upset and I didn't want to get into it."

"So, instead of just calling your fiancé back and seeing why he was calling, you just assume I'm upset and don't call at all?"

"I didn't assume. Your voicemails said it all."

"Oh, so you actually listened to the voicemails?"

"On the way here, yes."

"Okay. Where did you and Josie go then? Because I know you weren't running any errands."

"Look, Zayn. I don't want to get into this with you right now. I'm here. That's all that matters." I respond with a soft sigh and walk away before he could say anything.

Was I making a mistake by agreeing to live together before marriage?

Was I making a mistake by saying yes to his marriage proposal?

I hope not.

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