28|| With You.

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We've come so far in so little time
Sometimes I wonder if this is meant to be
Sometimes you are so very kind
That the nights you're not with me I'm scared that you're gonna leave

Prince's POV

"Good. If it's really gonna be you and me, you can't see anyone else."

I heard her. Every word. And I wasn't going to take it lightly. She deserves so much more than someone who makes other women a priority in a relationship meant for two. So much more than me.

But I wasn't about to lose her over my stupidity.

"Come on," Standing to my feet, I took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle tug, but she wouldn't budge. Her gorgeous brown eyes found mine as she tilted her head to the right, looking up at me. Her brows furrowed.

"Prince...it's late. Where could we possibly be going at this hour?"

"You'll see. Just get up and let's go, baby."

"I'm not even dressed to go out," Letting out a soft giggle, Amelie finally stood up, her eyes leaving mine to look down at her current attire, "I mean, I was, but when you didn't show up at the time you said you would, I took off my makeup and changed into my pajamas."

"Oh, I'm sorry, babe."

"It's okay. Really. You're here now, so I'm not upset anymore."

"Well, you still look beautiful, you know?" Giving her a small smile, I used my free hand to tilt her chin up with my index finger, "No makeup, pajamas and all."

"Thank you."

"Of course," The flush of color that made its way to her cheeks made my smile widen a bit as I leaned in, pecking her lips softly and pulling away before the kiss could go any further, "Now, put on your shoes and let's go."

"Baby, I can't go anywhere in my pajamas," She laughed, removing her hand from mine, "Let me change into something else and we can go."

"Okay." My eyes followed her hips as they gently swayed from side to side while she made her way over to her suitcase. So subtle. So sensual. I couldn't look away.

Everything about her commanded my entire attention without her having to say a word. Just a glance in my direction or a brush of her fingertips against my skin and I was putty in her hands.

How is that even possible?

I'm usually one to shy away from anything having to do with love or commitment, but this woman is making me feel things I thought I buried long after the other women that came before her.

And I liked it.

"Hurry up, woman," I laughed out loud as her pajama shirt went flying past my shoulder, nearly hitting the lamp on the nightstand. Her eyes narrowed, but the smile on her face never wavered.

"Don't rush me. I'm almost ready."

"Which means you'll need another hour."

"Shut up," Her pajama pants flew in my direction this time, causing me to catch them before they could connect with my face. It had me hollering. I was sure someone would complain to the hotel concierge, but I didn't care. I hadn't laughed this much in a long time.

"You're gonna get us kicked out of here," I couldn't stop a grin from spreading across my lips even after my laughter died down. She chuckled softly, smoothing down the front of her dress with her hands.

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