It's a Hard Life Part 3

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Prompt #5, 7, 14.

"Let her go!" "I'm sorry, how much money did you steal?" "Don't. Just... don't."

You sniggered to hide your wildly beating heart as Newt pulled himself out of the case. His face was pale as he surveyed the vulture-like hoodlums surrounding him.

"Tina," he asked, avoiding your fiery gaze. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Uh... to make a point?"

You smirked.

Newt shifted his gaze to you. You narrowed your eyes and silently let him know that you would have no mercy on him. Especially in front of your gang.

Quickly, he scurried over to Tina and said something to her softly, keeping his eyes up and directed at the shiftiest of your criminals. You looked over your soldier and motioned for Huck and Celine to come over to you. They strutted over, their chests puffed and spines straight. The whole gang was seeing who was in charge, and besides you, they were the most powerful people in your crew.

"Here's what I'm thinking: Mr. Scamander-" you spat his name like it was a bad taste in your mouth. "-obviously has an attachment to Goldstein. So I'm thinking we threaten her."

"Why're we threatenin' her?" Celine whispered. "Whadya get out of it?"

"Their silence," your jaw locked.

"Sounds good to me. Just holler if your wantin' us to step in, eh Switchblade?" Huck clapped your soldier.

"I won't be needin' you. You're only to step in if I'm out," you instructed. "Celine's my number 2." Huck nodded respectfully and Celine grinned.

"Now get outta here. This is my fight."

Celine and Huck backed away from your form, leaving you, Newt, and Tina enclosed in a circle of hoods.

You raised your wand again and shot out a silent spell. A burst of white light shot out from the end and hit Porpentina in the back, and suddenly she flew towards you. You caught her by the back of her coat and casually pressed the tip of your wand to her throat.

"It's a shame you ever got involved with us," you said to Porpentina, loud enough for the whole gathering to hear. "Because you've seen and heard too much for you to not be a problem."

There were hollers and whoops of applause from the crowd at your statement. Di Vice was full of the kind of people who loved a fight.

"Let her go!" Newt cried. You laughed out loud.

"Not a chance in the world, Hufflepuff!" You yelled bitterly. "Even if you've only been here a couple minutes, we don't got no insurance against your telling the Feds."

Newt looked at his shoes and clenched his fists. He squeezed his eyes shut before he relaxed and raised his head again.

"I know you're still upset about what I did-"

The crowd went wild with anger. People were screaming, yelling obscenities, and pumping their fists in the air. Nobody wanted apologies. They wanted blood.

You held up a hand to quiet the gang and repeated your question, "You sent me to jail once. How do we know you ain't going to do it again?"

"I'm sorry, how much money did you steal? Because I don't remember, but I know it was a lot! A-and I can't just let you do that and get away with it!"

"This is my family!" You roared. "And this is the way we are. We commit crimes. You signed up for that."

"If you let her go, I won't tell," Newt promised, realizing your patience wouldn't last.

Newt Scamander x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now