The First Night

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"Newt." You whispered in the dark, your eyes flickering to the sleeping forms of his bunk mates nestled under mustard-yellow duvets.

"Newt!" You hissed, shoving Newt's shoulder under the mountain of blankets he was cocooned in.

Newt's eyes opened groggily. He groaned, swatting your hand away. "Whas goin on," he mumbled.

"I have something to show you." You whispered, a mischievous glint in your eyes.

"Can't it wait until morning?" Newt pleaded.

"No." You replied, pulling Newt trunk from under his bed as softly as you could and tapping the top with your wand.

"How did you even get in here?" Newt mumbled, burying into the covers. He looked so innocent, and you almost felt bad for waking him up. Almost.

Fishing around through Newt's trunk, which was filled with balled up, wrinkly clothes, crumpled up parchment, broken quills, and various anatomical drawings of beasts, you replied, "Didn't you know that girls are allowed in the boys' dorms? Just not the other way around. Finally! Newt, your trunk is a mess." You held up the shimmering, airy coat in the light triumphantly.

"My invisibility cloak?" Newt questioned, slowly swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"Yes. It's the one you just bought, right?Here, put these on." You tossed a pair of grey pants, suspenders, and a white button down to Newt.

Newt blinked as the clothes crashed into him. You stood back and crossed your arms, your eyebrow cocked expectantly.

"Are you going to watch me change or are you going to let me have some privacy?"

"Oh, right," you blushed. "I'll be in the common room."

You tiptoed across the room and exited the dorm, closing the door softly so as not to wake the other 5th year Hufflepuff boys. After a couple minutes of waiting impatiently in the common room, Newt came trudging down the stairs, somehow still managing to look good at one in the morning.

"So?" He asked once he was facing you. "Where are we going?"

You held up the cloak. "You'll see. We need this, though."

You handed the cloak to Newt and he pulled it over your heads, making you scoot closer to him. You struggled to keep a blush from rising to your cheeks; Newt's arm was slung around your shoulders to keep the cloak away from your faces. Though you had known that he'd have to put his arm around you to keep the invisibility cloak up, you still delighted in the fact that your plan had worked and his arm was around your shoulders like in some cheesy rom-com.

"To the left," You commanded. "Towards the Astronomy wing."

"But that's restricted," Newt protested.

You rolled your eyes. "Literally everything we're doing right now is restricted. Does it really matter if we break one more rule?"

Newt didn't answer, pouting silently.

Together, you shuffled silently through the deserted corridors, encountering no one except for Mrs. Norris, the janitor's ancient cat, who seemed to linger on your forms for longer than normal but disappeared soon after.

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