Kon'nichiwa eh! (Ouran Highschool Host Club)

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I seem to be doing this alot, but I find good stories and want to share them, so I post them I got this from Fanfiction and I will always deditcate it to the author.  I check for updates, on the stories I collect from Fanfiction so don't blame me for not updating. An please let me know if you like the story.

Deditcated to ouran4eva.

Light spilled through the windows in the library, sending beams of light onto a brown haired, brown eyed, pale faced, glasses wearing girl who was currently scrolling through her math text book, trying to study.

"3 sqaured + 5/9 x 3.14 = r x 10/6 + F/2 which is the sum of 10 sqaured x 2/8 (-43 + 14). What is the answer? How the hell should I know? Your the text book, your supposed to give me the answers not the other way around!" She tossed the book aside. "I'm never gonna pass the test next period." Whimpering, she laid her head on the table.

After minutes of silence she felt the chairs beside her simultaneously pull out, the next second she felt two sets of arms go around her. She didn't need to look up to know who they belonged to.

"Can I help you? I'm trying to study." She lifted her head to look at her two best friends. On her left was a pale freckle faced, brown eyed, black and blonde highlighted haired girl named Shaundra. To her right was a tan faced aboriginal girl with hazel eyes and long brown hair named Theresa. Both had been her best friends for as long as she could remember.

"Oooh, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed, eh Shaundra?" Theresa nudged Shaundra's arm.

"Definitley. Anyway," She turned her attention to Sidney "we came and interrupted your unsuccessful studying to tell you some news about the exchange program."

Sidney's ears perked up and her head snapped over at the last two words.

"And? What did they say? Did the music video we sent get us the music scholarships? Are we going? Are we not going? C'mon tell me?"

"If you would just shut the fuck up and say one thing at a time then maybe we'll tell you."

That shut her up.

"They said that they enjoyed our video," Theresa started. "they also said that we have promise but..." She looked down.

"We didn't get in?" Sidney asked. "Dammit all that work for nothing!" She banged her fist against the table.

"Wait, what?" The other two said, looking at her as if she was a two headed alien.

"What? Didn't you guys just say we didn't get in?"

"We didn't say that at all." They replied.

"Then what are you saying?" She was confused.

"We got in!" They say with huge grins plastered on their faces.

"We got in?" She asked them disbelieving. They just kept smiling.

"HOLY SHIT! WE ACTUALLY GOT IN?" The librarian shushed her. "We actually got in?" She whispered.

"Yes now quit asking!" Shaundra punched her lightly on the arm.

"I can't believe it, we're actually going."

"WE'RE GOING TO JAPAN!" They scream at the top of their lungs causing them to get kicked out by the librarian.

"We're going to Japan!" They whisper-yelled.

For the rest of the day they kept checking out the pamphlet for the school. Tomorrow they'll be boarding a plane to Japan and next week they'd be starting their new school year at the prestigious, elite private school known as Ouran Academy. Boy were they in for an interesting ride.

Kon'nichiwa eh! (Ouran Highschool Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now