Candians in Ouran.

487 9 1

Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: "C'mon," Sidney grabs their hands and starts walking in our direction "I'm hungry. Let's eat!"

They walk past us without a second glance. That was odd; usually girls would stare at us for long periods of time. These girls were different. A whole lot different from the girls the hosts and I are used to. I take my black book out and decide to document this strange phenomenon. The guys decide to go into the cafeteria. I follow, naturally, but spare a glance towards those girls' retreating forms.

"Those girls are something else." I mutter under my breath.

Location: Some hall in the school: Sidney P.O.V.

I sit back against the wall, sighing contently. "I could just stay here all day."

"Yeah." Theresa and Shaundra sigh.

! The bell for class rang.

"Damn bell. You always ruin my good mood!" I push off the floor. "I guess I'll see you girls later then?"

"Yeah, I guess." Shaundra says, pulling out her schedule. "I got History. Ugh! Why do I get stuck with all the shitty classes? What do you guys have?"

"I have English." Theresa looks at her schedule.

"I got," I fish in my pocket for my schedule "Science! Boo ya! My favorite subject besides music!" I do a little victory dance.

Shaundra sticks her tongue out at me.

"Don't be hatin'." I pinch her cheek "Anyway I'll see you guys after. I gotta get to class. Don't wanna be late on the first day!" Waving to them, I sprint down the corridor.

I look at my schedule a couple of times before I found the right room number. Smiling softly I knock on the door slightly until I heard a voice from the other side of the door telling me to come in.

Opening the door, I step into the classroom immediately getting stared at. With my head held high I walked up to the teachers' desk.

"Can I help you?" The short, black haired, beady eyed teacher asked.

"I'm the new exchange student." I say confidently, handing over my transcripts.

While the teacher looked them over, I looked around the classroom unaware that my classmates were following my every move.

"Well," The teacher says "everything seems to be in order." He stands up to get the classes attention. "Class, this is Sidney Campbell. She's an exchange student all the way from Canada. Why don't you say a few words Sidney?" He asks me.

"Well as you already know I'm an exchange student from Canada. I'm also here with two of my other friends that are also exchange students here." I was cut short by a raised hand in the back of the classroom.

"Uh, yes." I point the person out.

"I noticed the guitar on your back. If you don't mind, could you play something for us?" A girl asked.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that. I never play without my friends."

"Ahhhhhh." The class groaned.

"Ok settle down class," The teacher ordered "now where should you sit. Hmmmm." He rubs his chin. "You can sit in the empty seat between Suoh and Ootori. Ootori? Suoh?" The ones by those names raised their hands. "Over there." The teacher points.

I stroll over to my desk between the two boys. The one on my left had blonde hair and deep violet eyes. The one on my right had dark black hair and steel gray eyes that were framed with glasses.

Kon'nichiwa eh! (Ouran Highschool Host Club)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن