Costumes and the Black Magic Club

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Previously: A loud creaking filled the room as soon as Tamaki said those words. Looking around, I see that one of the coffins on the ground was opening and a large shadow stepped out.

"Did someone say 'Halloween'?" A soft, sinister voice whispered in the darkness.

No P.O.V.

"Halloween," The soft voice said. "The day when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest,"

Fake lightning flashed through the club room and the thunder sound effect wasn't too far after it. Shaundra played organ music as the shadow came closer to the faint light of the Jack-O-Lanterns.

"Why are you doing that?" Sidney said, voice muffled by her hockey mask.

"It adds to the mood," Shaundra hissed, still playing.

A tall teenage boy stepped into the low light of the Jack-O-Lanterns. A small cat puppet wriggled in his right hand. He wore a floor length, hooded cloak and black hair that covered most of his face spilled out of the hood. Partially, you could see a large bright blue eye through a part in his hair.

Tamaki shied away slightly as the hooded dude came closer to the group of costumed club members.

"Halloween," The hooded dude said, wiggling his hand inside the puppet to make it flap its arms. "The perfect night for casting spells and talking to the dead,"

Haruhi stepped forward, her witches broom swishing back and forth as she walked. "What are you doing here Nekozawa-senpai?"

"Yeah," The twins say from underneath all of their mummy cloth. "You're usually in the Black Magic Club Room all the time,"

"There's a Black Magic Club at this place?" Theresa muttered around her candy brain.

"Why, yes," Nekozawa shimmied over to her. "Join and you'll get a free Beelzenef the curse doll," The puppet on his hand nodded its head. "Write the name of the person you hate on the back of the doll and said person shall be cursed!"

Sidney, Shaundra and Theresa all looked at Tamaki at the same time before glomping Nekozawa for curse dolls.

A beam of light from a flashlight landed on Nekozawa. Screeching, he jumped up and high tailed it out of the room through large, black double doors.

"That was odd," Shaundra muttered, fanning smoke away from her face. "And how did those doors get there?"

"That's Nekozawa for you," The twins smirk, pointing their flashlight beam at Shaundra.

"So what's the deal with him?" Sidney questioned, lifting her hockey mask so everyone could see her face.

"Nekozawa-senpai has a phobia of lights," Kyouya said from his table. "That's why he wears that black cloak and he covers his hair with a black wig,"

"Poor guy," Theresa muttered, looking down at her brain in her hands.

"He seemed nice though," Sidney said, pulling her hockey mask back down onto her face.

"Don't go near that guy, Sidney," Tamaki breathed onto her neck.

Sidney jumped back, clutching her neck and pulling out her plastic machete, saying, "Personal space dude!" before she chased after him with the machete flailing around in the air.

Sighing, Shaundra leans against the organ and looks over at the doors that Nekozawa disappeared into. "I still want a curse doll," She muttered under her breath.

After Hosting:

The curtains of the 3rd Music Room were now open, bringing in autumn sunshine. Jack-O-Lanterns were blown out, sound effects were turned off along with the jumping ghouls and the smoke machine's.

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