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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: I lean down and whisper in her ear, "I prefer the version that you sang a while ago." I turn and go back over to Kaoru, not even bothering to look back at Shaundra's wide eyes.

Normal P.O.V.

The wind picked up slightly, blowing through the now green and red tinged leaves in the trees planted along the side of the streets. A lone leaf fell off of its perch attached to a nearby tree, gracefully floating through the air in its own type of dance. It landed on the cement sidewalks, only to get trampled over by four pairs of feet.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Theresa steps in front of Shaundra with her hands firmly placed on her hips. "You're saying it was Hikaru that was in the room with you?"

Both the Canadians and Haruhi were on their way back to the apartment building when Shaundra sprung up her news with them. They stop in the middle of the sidewalk and sit down at a bench.

Shaundra sighs. "Yes, it was Hikaru."

"How do you know?" Haruhi questioned, her brown eyes wide and curious.

"He practically told me it was him!" Shaundra flung her hands into the air.

"What did he actually say when he told you this?" Sidney cocked her head to the side and quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Well," Shaundra's eyes unfocused for a second as she tried to remember. "When he came onto the stage, he whispered into my ear 'I prefer the version that you sang a while ago.' Then he went back over to Kaoru."

"Wow," Everyone mutters.

"I never thought it would be Hikaru," Haruhi muttered.

"Yeah," Theresa mutters.

"Truth be told," Sidney straightened her glasses and stands. "I first thought someone was stalking you; guess I was wrong for once."

"For once?" Shaundra and Theresa look at her with raised eyebrows.

"Bite me," Her glasses flash menacingly and she turns to walk down the street. "C'mon, let's get home." She said over her shoulder.

"Coming!" Everyone yells, running after her.

A huge gust of cold wind bites against their cheeks, making their hair lift.

Haruhi shivers, pulling her scarf over her nose and wrapping her arms around herself. She looks over at the others and notices they weren't even fazed by the wind.

"Aren't you guy's cold?" She rubs her hands up and down her arms to cause friction.

"Huh?" They look over at her, furrowing their eyebrows.

Haruhi gestures to their clothing saying, "Aren't you guy's cold in those?"

The Canadians look down at themselves. Each of them was wearing hoodies and baggy jeans.

They look back at Haruhi and shake their heads, each of them confused.

"You're serious?" Haruhi looks at them weird. "It's freezing, how could you not be cold?"

"Haruhi," Sidney checks her watch which had a built in thermometer. "It's only ten below."

"It's still freezing," Haruhi rubbed her hands together. "How come you guys aren't cold?"

They shrug saying, "We're Canadian."

"That doesn't explain anything." Haruhi sneezed.

Theresa sighs and begins "We're from Canada,"

"The Great White North," Shaundra starts where Theresa left off.

Sidney pushes her glasses up and finishes for them. "And since we're Canadian, it's not cold for us until it's forty below. Even then we only wear winter jackets."

"Seems like a nice place to live," Haruhi says sarcastically.

"It is!" The Canadians protest.

"I'd like to go there sometime," Haruhi smiles, then another gust of wind blew. "But right now I want to go some place warm."

"Well," Sidney looks around and points at a restaurant. "Why not we go there until you warm up?"

"It's fine with me as long as it's warm." Haruhi's teeth start chattering.

"C'mon, before you freeze." Theresa and Shaundra take her arms and drag her to the restaurant with Sidney leading the way.

When they entered the restaurant, a blast of warm air hit their faces.

"Warmth!" Haruhi muttered, taking her scarf away from her face.

The girls look around. The restaurant had a red and black theme. Black paint covered the walls and a red carpet covered the floor. Booths made of dark cherry wood lined the walls and circular tables with two chairs littered the place. Many people were crowded into the space, but not enough people that you felt like your personal bubble was being invaded. The place was dim, the only light coming from twinkling lights hung from the ceiling and small tea lights placed at the center of each table. A bar was placed in the far corner of the room. It had stools where people could sit and beer obviously. At another corner, black drapes were hung from floor to ceiling.

A girl with dirty blonde hair and pitch black eyes wearing a black apron came up to them with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Table for four?" She said sweetly.

The girls shrug and Blondie lead them to an empty booth. Haruhi shrugged off her jacket while the Canadians peeled off their hoodies. They looked at each other, the light from the tea light sending their faces into shadows.

Shaundra shrugged and grabbed a menu. "Since we're here, we might as well eat."

Sidney and Theresa nod their heads in agreement and grab their own menu's.

As their fingers inched towards the menus, the twinkling lights hanging from the ceilings blackened, sending the entire room into shadows. The only lights came from the tea lights placed on the tables.

"What's going on?" Shaundra whispered.

"Shaundra, that's my foot!" Sidney whisper yelled at her.

"Sorry!" She pulls back quickly.

"Ow! Shaundra quit moving around!" Theresa placed a hand on the squirming girls shoulder.

"I can't help it!" She held her hands up in surrender.

A blinding light suddenly shined upon them, making them lift their hands to shield their faces.

"Um, guys?" Shaundra gulped. "Are we being probed by aliens?"

Sidney, Theresa and Haruhi face palm at the same time.

"You have much to learn, Shaundra." Sidney muttered.

The light moved away from them and moved over to the corner that had black drapes hung from floor to ceiling. A drum roll could be heard and the drapes were ripped away from the corner, revealing a raised platform with a microphone stand in the center.

"Ladies and gentleman," A voice was heard. "Welcome to The Restaurant."

"Very original name," Haruhi muttered.

"Tonight we have something special planned for you," The spot light moved and started to circle around the tables. "Tonight is an open mic karaoke night!"

Many people clapped and cheered. The spot light sped up slightly.

"But first," The voice paused dramatically. "Our spotlight will choose who will be going up!"

As the last word was said, the spotlight landed on the girls' table.

"Looks like our spotlight has chosen!"

"No way in hell," Haruhi muttered, sinking down in her seat.

The Canadians look at each other. "Rock, paper, scissors?" They say at the same time.

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