The beginning of the Thuderstorm (part 2)

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  • Zadedykowane ouran4eva

Previously: Looking around frantically, I try to find an exit. There was none. The only place to escape was through the entrance which was blocked by the drunk's. It was all a game of cat and mouse.

We were trapped.

Theresa P.O.V.

"So do you ladies want to have some fun?" The dark haired leader said again as him and his buddies closed in on us.

The girl's and I backed up into the far corners of the alley, trying to get as far away as possible.

"This is like that scene in that movie I watched last night," Shaundra muttered. "Didn't turn out so well,"

"Are you serious right now Shaundra?" Sidney hissed at her, while giving her best death glare. "Now is not the god damn time to be joking around!"

"What? I just felt like pointing it out is all!"

"Shut up Shaundra," I mutter without looking back at her. "Just shut up and get behind me."

My blood was flowing fast in my veins while my mind reeled. All the while, the girl's got behind me to cover themselves as best as they could and the drunks' closed in on us. The heady scent of alcohol came off of them in waves, making me want to gag, and their eyes held a look of anticipation. I didn't want to know what their definition of "fun" was at the moment.

"I call the native chick," A blonde haired man piped up, licking his lips.

Sudden flashbacks took over my mind. Jamie Duve and I circling each other in the ring, him taunting me until all I could see was red, me lunging at him with my gloves off…punching him until his face was swollen and bleeding. The last image made me flinch slightly.

"No, she's mine!" Another man slurred out, pushing blondie out of his way.

My fist's and jaw clenched. Seeing red slightly, I narrow my eyes to slits and blindingly grab for something. Cold, smooth metal graced my fingertips. A trash can lid. I lift it up and get into a fighting stance, holding the lid as if it were a frisbe.

"Now, now sweetheart," The leader held up his finger in a scolding manner. "Don't be feisty; you're going to enjoy what we have planned for tonight."

"I don't think we'll be able to make it," I say evenly, getting ready to throw the lid.

Before I could, there was a clatter and a rotten banana peel was thrown straight at the leaders face.

"Why don't you guy's pick on someone your own size," Haruhi came out in front of me, another banana peel in hand.

"Haruhi," I hiss. "Get back." I try to grab her but she threw the other peel.

It landed on the leaders' face again. Sliding down, it landed on the ground with a squishy sound. The leader did not look pleased.

"Why you little," He tries to grab for her wrist but she pivots away.


A clash of thunder ripped through the night air, lightning illuminating the street.

Haruhi jumped slightly and covered her ears, her eyes clenched shut. That's all it took for the leader to grab her wrist and wrench her toward him.

"Haruhi!" Me and the girls gasp.

"For that," He whispered in her ear, trailing his finger down the side of her neck. "You're going to be first."

"Let her go!" A voiced boomed.

Looking up, I saw a teenage boy with dark red hair that was half up and half down. He wore dark pants and a white button up shirt that wasn't buttoned, showing off a white muscle shirt and a gold necklace around his neck. He had a pair of scowling honey colored eyes that could have frozen you in place; which is what happened to the drunk's.

Thankful for the distraction, I threw the lid fribe style. It hit three of the men straight in the mouth with a metal bang. The one's that were hit bent over in pain, holding their jaws. I ran over to the leader and punched him in the nose. Crying out, he released Haruhi and held onto his bleeding, probably broken, nose. Lifting my leg, I roundhouse kicked him in the chest, sending him flying to the ground on his back. Advancing on the remaining two, I kicked them in the groin making them wheeze and bend over, covering their areas with their hands.

"Let's go," I grab onto a wide eyed Haruhi's wrist and ran to the opening of the alley way, Sidney and Shaundra behind me.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Haruhi tugs her wrist out of my hand and looks back at the teenager with the scowling eyes. "Thanks Kasanoda, for helping." She finishes with her signature host smile which caused Kasanoda to sputter and blush.

"Um, i-it was no, um, problem Fujioka." He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Haruhi, you know this ginger?" Sidney asks, glasses flashing.

"Yeah, he comes to the club every now and then. He also knows I'm a girl." She shrugged.


Another flash of lightning and a boom of thunder split through the dark clouds but this time bringing rain. Haruhi gasps and brings her hands up to her ears, shuddering.

"We need to get you home before the weather gets worse," Shaundra said, bringing out her blue iPod and handing it to Haruhi who took it graciously.

Starting to get soaked, we turn and start to jog to the apartment building.

Looking over her shoulder, Sidney see's that the ginger Kasanoda was still standing where he was. She waves at him, saying, "Thanks Kasanoda. Come to the host club tomorrow, we'll talk to you then!"

We didn't bother to hear his reply, because another flash of lightning illuminated the sky just as the rain started to pour harder. Haruhi made a sound of discomfort deep within her throat and ran a little faster.

We got back to the apartment building in no time, but we were soaking wet. The girls and I ran into our apartment and got our PJ's before running into Haruhi's. When inside, we take into account that all of the lights were on and that Haruhi was under the kitchen table, trembling with a blanket wrapped around her tightly.

We crawl under the table and huddle close together. Thunder rumbled every now and then but with the music blaring in her ears, Haruhi couldn't hear it. But she could see the lightning flash through the window. Every time a crack of lightning illuminated the sky she would shut her eyes tight and hug her knees even tighter.

About a half hour after, another flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder came. Seconds later, the power went out, leaving all of us in darkness.

"I'll go look for candles." I mutter, crawling out from underneath the table.

Careful not to bump into anything, I make my way into the kitchen. Another streak of lightning split through the sky and illuminated the kitchen for a second, casting a dark shadow across the fridge.

I look over my shoulder and see a man shaped silhouette just outside the door. Lightning clashed through the sky again and illuminated the figure outside. It looked like a hooded man. A dull clicking sound reached my ears; the door handle was turning slowly.

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