Hikaru spying

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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: Theresa reaches for the Oreos but they miss her and land into Shaundra hands.

"HA! VICTORY IS MINE!" She shouts joyously, tears into the box and pops a cookie into her mouth. Chewing slowly, she made a face, threw the box to Theresa and walked out of the room, saying over her shoulder, "I'm tired of Oreos, you have them."

Everyone sweat drops.

Hikaru P.O.V.

Shaundra pops an Oreo into her mouth, chews slowly, made a face and threw the box to Theresa. She walks to the doors, saying over her shoulder, "I'm tired of Oreos, you have them."

Practically everyone in the room sweat dropped.

Me and Kaoru sigh and run a hand down our faces, saying in perfect harmony, "She went through all that trouble and then she didn't want them." We shake our heads.

"Who cares?" Theresa smiles and chomps on an Oreo. "I got the Oreos!"

Honey-sempai pops up in front of her, his brown eyes cutely wide. "Can I have one Tee-chan?"

She nods and hands him the box which he politely took from her hands.

Smiling up at her, he takes six Oreos out of the box and eats them in under five seconds. His hand goes for another few Oreos.

Before his hand could touch the box, Mori-sempai appears out of no wear and grabs his cousin, lifting him onto his broad shoulders. "You'll ruin your lunch." He says in his usual monotone.

"Ok, Takashi!" Honey-sempai smiles wide.

"What's the big deal about these cookies anyway?" I ask, raising my hands and tucking them behind my head.

Sidney and Theresa gasp, shooting up out of their seats.

"What did you just say?" Sidney looks over at me.

I shrug. "What's the big deal? They're just cookies."

Theresa looks over at my twin. "Can I hit him?"

Kaoru just shrugs his shoulders. Theresa and Sidney look over at me and grin evilly.

"Oh no," My eyes widen. I jump out of my seat and sprint to the door.

"Get back here Hikaru!" The girls yell and I hear rushing footsteps chasing after me.

Pushing my legs as fast as they would go, I passed a few corridors. Eventually the sound of rushing feet behind me quieted and then disappeared.

"One advantage of having long legs," I mutter and slow my pace to a walk. Raising my arms, I fold my hands behind my head; much like the position I was in before I was chased out of the lunch room.

Not sure if they were still following me, I quickened my pace slightly and made a beeline towards the third music room. On my way there, I constantly looked over my shoulder at the slightest sound in the quiet hallway. Each time my eyes widened, my body did an involuntary jump and my legs quickened their pace without me knowing. Hey, I'm not paranoid; it's just better safe than sorry; especially with Sidney and Theresa when they're mad.

Turning another corner, the double doors of the third music room come into my line of vision. So do Sidney and Theresa.

My body freezes as their heads begin to turn in my direction. I jump behind a plant before they could see me. Pricking my ears, I strain to hear the gist of their conversation.

"…see something?" I heard Sidney say.

I see Theresa shrug her shoulders and her mouth starts moving. "…your imagination." I hear.

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