Being sad, and losing someone.

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  • Dedicated to ouran4eva

Previously: Sighing slightly, I push my glasses higher up the bridge of my nose and maneuver my finger on the mouse pad until the icon landed on a folder called Host Members. Clicking on it, multiple folders popped onto the screen. One was labeled Haruhi Fujioka, another The Hitachiin twins and so on and so forth. My mouse landed on one that I had labeled The Canadian's. Clicking on it, three more folders popped up; each labeled after each Canadian. Gliding my finger over the mouse pad, the icon turned into a hand pointing as I went over the folder labeled Sidney Campbell.

As if god didn't want me to, just as I was about to click her name a sad melody hit my ear drums, making me forget about the folder and look towards the sound.

Location: Music Room #3: No P.O.V.

"Sid-chan and Kyou-chan have been gone for a long time," Honey muttered, looking at his piece of cake. He had lost his appetite when both Sidney and Kyouya had exited the Club room.

After the scene with Kyouya and Muso, everyone just wandered around the Club Room and did their own thing. Honey and Mori sat at one table with a giant stack of cake in front of Honey, the twins at another table playing their DS's, Tamaki sulked somewhere and the remaining two Canadians along with Haruhi and Kasanoda spoke quietly on a plush pink couch.

"I don't give a damn about Kyouya," Muso seethed from his seated spot on the edge of the stage. "The only thing I care about now is if Sidney is alright,"

The Canadian's looked up from their conversation with Haruhi and Kasanoda. They looked straight at Muso and shook their heads at him.

"Muso," Shaundra piped up. "If you care so much about Sidney then why didn't you go after her?"

This question caused the rest of the Club members to look over at Muso.

"Yeah, Mu-chan," Honey popped up beside Muso and looked at him with big brown eyes. "How come when Sid-chan is upset, it makes you upset but you don't do anything about it?"

Theresa and Mori stood behind Honey with their arms crossed, both nodding their heads.

Muso sighed, running a hand through his already tousled hair, "Sidney and I may be friends, but she's an independent girl. I'm pretty sure she would've wanted some alone time by the way she was acting before she left."

"But we've never seen her act so cold," The twins say from their spot on their individual arm chairs. "Take a look at the boss," They point at Tamaki who sat in a seat by the window, looking down at the school's grounds forlornly, unmoving. "She completely froze him with her icy stare,"

"Sounds like someone I know," Kasanoda said sarcastically, his permanent scowl focused on the twins at the moment.

"She looked devoid of all emotion when she left," Haruhi looked over at Shaundra and Theresa. "Something must have happened to her on this date to get her upset. Do you know what's going on with her?"

"Actually, we don't," Theresa said, looking out the window reminiscently. "I've known Sid since the fourth grade and Shaundra has known her since sixth grade. She's always been the type of person who could make friends easily and be open with whatever. But a few years ago she started to become closed off…more cold and level headed,"

"Do you know what happened to make her that way?" Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows.

"We do," Shaundra nodded her head. "But we're not telling you. It's not our story to tell. Sid will tell you, eventually, when she knows she can trust you guys with her secrets."

"Hey! We're very trust worthy," The twins huff.

"We believe you," Theresa smiles slightly in their direction. "But with Sid that's a whole other story. You guys just need to convince her that you can be trusted. When you earn her trust, you'll see a different side of Sidney. Maybe."

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