The beginning of the Thuderstorm (part 1)

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  • Dedicated to ouran4eva

Previously: Farther down the street a pair of scowling honey colored eyes watched as the drunks followed the girls down the empty street. Eyes narrowing even further than usual, he stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed after the drunks, keeping away a fair amount of distance so they wouldn't notice him following them.

Theresa P.O.V.

Dark ominous clouds rolled in as the sun was setting, making the dark blue and orange tinged sky become dark. I lower my eyes and see the street lights flickering to life. Looking to the side, I see Haruhi looking up at the dark clouds with a faraway expression and the slightest look of fear in her eyes.

"Are you ok, Haruhi?" I ask, concerned.

She shakes her head slightly as if to dispel a bad dream. Lowering her head slightly, she looks up at me and smiles slightly, saying in her curt voice, "I'm fine, no worries." She looks back up at the clouds with the same faraway expression, but her eyes held a look of determination rather than the slight fear that was there a few seconds ago. She looks back at me, saying while picking up her pace, "Let's just hurry and get home, ok?"

I look to my other side at Sid and Shaundra who were silently conversing. I snapped my fingers until I got their attention. When they finally looked over at me with a total question mark expression, I tilt my head in Haruhi's direction and then jerk my head forward in the direction where I was sure the apartments were. The girls look over at Haruhi for a second then nodded their heads quickly, concern written all over their faces.

Years ago, we had perfected a way to silently communicate with each other. My actions translated, "Let's get Haruhi back home. Fast."

Slight movements followed by the sound of a trash can falling to the ground and a series of quiet curse words made me look over my shoulder. Air whooshed its way down my throat as I take a sharp, yet quiet intake of breath. With wide eyes, I see the group of drunk's from back at The Restaurant staggering down the street nearly ten feet behind us.

Shaundra and Sidney heard my small gasp. Both looked up at me with an eyebrow quirked. With wide eyes, I jerk my head back slightly. The two of them moved their heads to the side slightly, as if to look into a shop window, and looked back from the corner of their eyes. Their eyes widened. They look up at me, then to Haruhi who seemed oblivious to our silent conversation. Once they looked back at me I mouthed "faster".

All three of us quickened our pace…so did the drunk's. We stopped for a minute…so did they.

Shaundra looked up at me with wide, panic filled eyes. Sidney just adjusted her glasses so that they flashed in the street lights; but I knew better. She was as panicked as Shaundra was, but she knew how to remain calm in a situation like this and how to get out of it.

Everything was silent for a millisecond; only the sounds of mine and the girl's footsteps, our slight breathing and the scuffs of the drunk's feet scrapping against the ground. Then…BOOM!

Lightning flashed through the dark clouds, sounding like a shot gun had been fired and illuminating the entire street for a split second until the light faded away. A low rumble of thunder followed closely after the lightning had gone. When the rumble had died down I could hear soft shaky breaths coming from in front of me. I look and see Haruhi shaking badly.

Reaching a hand out, I touch her shoulder gently. She shuddered hard.

"Haruhi," I ask quietly. "Are you ok?"

She shakes her head like a mad woman. I turn her around, place my hands gently on her shoulder's and see her eyes tightly shut, her chin trembled slightly and her hands were clenched tightly against her chest. Slowly, she opens her eyes.


Another flash of lightning illuminated the street and Haruhi almost jumped right out of her skin. Looking around wildly with tears starting to form in her eyes, she shoved herself out of my grasp and ran in a random direction.

"HARUHI!" Shaundra, Sidney and I yelled at her at the same time. We look at each other for a split second and, completely forgetting about the drunk's, ran after her.


We hear Haruhi make a sound that was a cross between a gasp and a sob and a scream. Blindingly she ran into a dark alley that's only light source was a flickering street light. The girl's and I look at each other, then pick up our pace, screaming, "HARUHI, COME BACK!"

Entering the dark alley, we see that it had a few trash cans along the sides of both buildings; and a dead end. Haruhi was curled up in a fetal position in between two trash cans covering her ears and trembling. Slowly, I walk up to her and place my hand on her shaking shoulder.

"Haruhi?" I ask, voice dripping with concern for my cross-dressing friend.

She slowly opens her eyes. They were brimming with unshed tears. "T-The-"


She cried out, tears dripping down her cheeks. Her body gave a huge shudder and her hands pressed even more firmly against her ears.

"Haruhi," I grab both of her shoulders. "Why didn't you tell us you were afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Her voice shook. "I-I th-thought we'd be h-h-home by n-now." She hiccupped.


Both screaming and sobbing in fright she flung her tiny frame into my arms. I caught her effortlessly and began to rub her back soothingly, going into sister mode. Looking up at Sidney and Shaundra who were standing right beside me, I incline my head down at the trembling girl in my arms. They caught my drift.

Both of them sat down on either side of Haruhi and wrapped their arms comfortingly around her slight frame, both of them were in sister mode just like I was. Within minutes, Haruhi's sobbing died down into hiccups. Shaundra, Sidney and I pull away slightly to look at her, saying at the same time, "Better?"

Haruhi nodded slightly, wiping her eyes and cheeks. "A little," She murmured.

"Well," Sidney said, standing with one hand on her hip and one extended to Haruhi. "Let's get back home before more thunder and lightning comes."

"Yeah," Shaundra stood up too. "Let's go before it starts pouring rain out."

Smiling slightly, Haruhi nodded her head and got up. "Home sounds nice at the moment."

I smile slightly and pat her head. "Let's head home."

"Aww!" Shaundra crooned. "Group hug!"

Haruhi backed away with her hands up in front of her, palm up. "I don't do group hugs,"

"Well," I said, with a shrug of my shoulder.

"You do now!" Shaundra, Sidney and I yelled, grabbing Haruhi into a bone crushing hug.

"Can't breathe, you guys!" Haruhi panted out.

"Too bad!" Shaundra giggles.

"Aww, isn't that sweet!" I hear a sleazy voice say from behind us.

Our head snap back and our eyes widen.

Standing at the entrance to the alley was the six drunk's that were walking behind us. All of them had dirty smirks on their faces.

"Now," A dark haired man, probably the leader, slurred out. "Do you ladies want to have some fun?"

That must have been some type of signal because once the words left his mouth, all of them began to stumble their way toward us.

Looking around frantically, I try to find an exit. There was none. The only place to escape was through the entrance which was blocked by the drunk's. It was all a game of cat and mouse.

We were trapped.

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