The random battle for the Oreos

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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: Her voice just kept repeating itself. It seemed as though she was right beside me, whispering them into my ear. But I knew better. She was probably home, doing some homework or cooking dinner for the other girls. Maybe she was haunting me? No, I shake my head, not possible.

Yet her words never quite left my mind.

Sunlight shone through ceiling high windows and a constant buzz of noise penetrated your ear drums. In the elegant looking cafeteria that could pass as a ball room boy's and girl's alike sat at extravagant tables covered in long white table cloths. Chandeliers and round pillars supporting balconies hung high over everyone's heads. The girl's gossiped while eating their expensive dishes while the boy's lounged around.

"We'll have the steak tartar with a side of vegetables," The twins ask the school's chef.

Honey and Mori were at the desert counter with Honey standing on the tips of his toes, peering around for the right cake. "I'll have the strawberry cake please!" He smiles up at the chef while flowers flew around his head.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth," Mori drones to his short cousin.

Honey looks up at Mori and smiles sweetly as the chef passes him his cake. "I won't Takashi!"

Kyouya was at the counter, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'll have the steamed lobster with a salad."

"Me too." Tamaki steps beside him.

The hosts grab their trays and head over to an empty table where they find Haruhi sitting with her boxed lunch.

"My daughter!" Tamaki envelops Haruhi into a hug.

She sighs and pinches his arms until he let her go. "I'm not your daughter sempai." She rolls her eyes.

"But Haruhi!" He whines only to shut up with a look from her.

"Seems like Haruhi is getting glaring pointers from Sidney," The twins chime at the same time.

Tamaki gasps and grabs Haruhi by the shoulders, yelling in her face, "Don't be taking pointers from her! She'll rub off on you and you'll start acting rebellious against your dear father! First you'll be glaring at me then you'll be getting piercings and tattoos just like her and you'll be in a gang!" His eyes clouded over and his mind was somewhere else.

Tamaki's inner mind theatre:

"Yo Haruhi," Said a young man with a dark green Mohawk and a leather jacket.

A girl with short brown hair with a blue stripe in her bangs looked up. She wore a tight see through white tank top, denim short shorts and a pair of high black motorcycle boots. Through her shirt you could see a dark outline of a tattoo that circled her navel. She had so many piercings that you just had to wince every time you looked at her.

"What do you want?" She narrows her eyes and her pierced brows knitted together.

"Someone's here to see you," He grins evilly and inclines his head to the right.

"Whatever," She crosses her arms and strides over to the spot where he indicated.

She turns the corner and someone jumps onto her, squealing, "My daughter!" Only for him to get punched in the face.

End of Tamaki mind theatre:

"What's up with Tama-chan?" Honey walks over to him and pokes his cheek numerous amounts of times.

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