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Deditcated to ouran4eva.

Previously: The girls walk up to their apartment door; about to unlock it until they heard the next door neighbor's door open.

They turn and gasp. "Haruhi?" They say in disbelief.

Sidney P.O.V.

"Haruhi?" We say again, brows furrowing.

"Why are you girls here?" She blinks.

"We live here." We say.

"So do I."

"You live here?" We say, disbelieving.

She nods. "I live here with my father."

Our faces brake out into wide grins and we glomp her. "We're neighbors!" We squeal.

"What's all the noise Haruhi?" A woman with long auburn hair and brown eyes, wearing an ankle length magenta skirt and matching lavender shirt, sweater and belt came out of the door that Haruhi just exited and stared at us.

"Hi dad." Haruhi says nonchalantly from under us.

Haruhi's dad kept staring at us with his head cocked to the side. Finally he smiles widely at us.

"Are you some of Haruhi's friends?" He questions.

"Yes, yes we are." We all say.

I stand up and extend my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Fujioka. I'm Sidney Campbell."

"I'm Shaundra Crawford." Shaundra shakes his hand also.

"I'm Theresa Ward." Theresa finishes.

"Oh, you three are so polite!" He squeals. "But please call me Ranka, Mr. Fujioka is my father."

"May I ask you a question Ranka?" Shaundra raises her hand slightly.

"So polite! Go ahead."

"Where did you get that skirt?" She squeals.

"Oh this old thing?" He plucks at the hem. "I got it at a flea market years ago."

"What product do you use for your hair? It's so volumized! I wish my hair was like that." Theresa runs a hand through her hair to make a point.

I turn and see Haruhi looking at us and her father with wide eyes. Was she embarrassed?

"Hey Ranka? Is it ok if we steal your daughter for the day? You know have a little teenage girl fun." Smiling, I walk over to Haruhi and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"That's a good idea!" Ranka squeals. "She deserves some time with her friends. You go on ahead Haruhi, it'll be fun!"

"But dad!" Haruhi protests.

"No buts. Go and have some fun!" He shoos us away.

"We'll have her back in no time Ranka!" We say to him before running into our apartment and slamming the door shut.

"What are we doing?" She asks us with wide eyes.

"You'll see." We smirk.

With the host's:

"Isn't this Haru-chan's building?" Honey asks as the shocked host's come out of their reverie one by one.

"Yeah, it is Haruhi's building!" Hikaru rubs his eyes, as if to dispel a mirage.

"Look," Kaoru points. "It's the Canadians and Haruhi's with them!"

Everyone looks in the direction Kaoru pointed out and sure enough the Canadians were pulling Haruhi into the apartment next door to hers.

"We must investigate!" Tamaki opens the limo door and jumps onto the sidewalk.

Everyone else follows him up to the door that the girls had entered. When he was about to knock he hesitated.

"What's the matter boss?" The twins say.

"What if Sidney opens the door and gets angry?" He whispers fearfully.

"In that case go ahead." They smirk evilly and grab a hold of his hand, forcing him to knock on the door.

"You evil twins!" He hides behind them as the door opens.

"Hey guys." Theresa says from inside the threshold. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh… um…we're here…to…um…" Tamaki stutters incoherently.

"We're here to pay you girls a friendly visit." Kyouya states smoothly.

"Oh well come on in." She opens the door wide, inviting them in.

The apartment was painted a warm yellow with decent appliances and comfy looking furniture. Also on the walls were brightly colored posters that had the letters CCW printed all over them in black ink. Haruhi and Shaundra were sitting on a couch, lounging around and reading magazines. When the host's entered the living area, they looked up from their magazines.

Shaundra scrutinized their faces. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to pay you girls a friendly visit." Kyouya states again.

"Yeah right." Haruhi narrows her eyes at them. "You just came to see what their place looked like, like you did with me."

"No we aren't, we're paying a friendly visit to our friends." They deny.

"Yes you are, don't deny it." She continues to read her magazine.

"We are not!"

"THERESA! WHO WAS AT THE DOOR?" Sidney's voice drifts from down the hall, stealing the attention of the host's.


"I'm not lazy; I just got out of the shower!" Sidney comes out into the living room, completely naked with a towel wrapped tightly around her bodice. Her hair was dripping wet and she didn't have her glasses on.

The host's mouths were gaping open, their eyes were wide and they were the color of ripe tomatoes, even Kyouya and Mori were a little wide eyed and pink in the face. Mori was the first to snap out of it so he covered Honey's eyes with his hand.

"So who was at the door?" Sidney grabs her hair and wrings it out a little, still oblivious that the host's were there.

"Well…uh…take a look yourself." Theresa hands Sidney her glasses.

"What are you talking about?" She grabs her glasses and pushes them up the bridge of her nose. Finally with her sight back, she notices that the host's were in the living room staring at her almost naked body.

It was silent in the room for a few heartbeats, but it seemed like eons. Until…

"YOU PERVERT'S!" Sidney screeched at them, grabbing for something. "GET OUT!" She throws a trash can at them. "YOU SICK MINDED PERVERT'S! GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Her eyes were ablaze as she threw more hard objects at them.

The host's run out the door at full speed, not wanting to get pelted by hard books and trash cans. When they were a safe distance away from the apartment then and only then did they stop.

"She is mad." The twins say.

Kon'nichiwa eh! (Ouran Highschool Host Club)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora