Awake and Alive. But Ranka.... watch out!

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Previously: Sidney sat up slowly, a dark aura hanging around her. Lightning flashed through the sky, making her glasses flash menacingly. Standing, she walks over to a cowering Tamaki and yanked on his ear. "What did I tell you about my personal bubble?" She points at the space around her. "This is my bubble and anyone who dares to come into my bubble without permission is dead. Got it?" Her smile at the end was sickly sweet like the first time she said this to him over a month ago.

Tamaki nods frantically as best as he could since Sid still had a hold of his ear. "Got it,"

"Good," She let's go of his ear and turns toward Haruhi's direction. "Now let's go see how Harhui's doing."

Sidney P.O.V.

I led a barking Tamaki through the dark house to where Haruhi sat bundled up in blankets underneath the kitchen table. A flash of lightning lit up the room and illuminated Haruhi's small figure.

Once Tamaki say her, he jumped underneath the table and landed in front of her saying, "Haruhi?"

Shaundra and Theresa came into the room with lit candles and set them on the floor before coming to sit by me.

"Haruhi," Tamaki took her face in his hands.

"Senpai," Haruhi muttered groggily, her eyelids fluttering open. She must've been asleep.

"Way to go, Tamaki," Shaundra said. "You woke her up."

But he wasn't paying much attention to us. His undivided attention was for Haruhi at the moment. For a few seconds his eyes held many emotions. Relief, happiness, sympathy and…something else for a split second but before I could identify it, his blonde bangs covered his eyes.

"What are you doing here, senpai?" Haruhi rubbed her eye's (which was a little hard considering that Tamaki held her face in his hands) and yawned very cutely, her mouth forming an O shape.

"Haruhi," He crushed her to his plastic parka clad chest and turned away from us slightly. "I promised you that you would never be alone again didn't I?"

She nods her head slightly.

"Well," Tamaki's arms tighten around her visibly. "This is me keeping my promise."

Thunder boomed in the sky and a few seconds later, lightning flashed. Haruhi jumped slightly in Tamaki's grasp but when he tightened his arms around her again she relaxed quickly.

"Thank you, Tamaki." She mutters drowsily and after a few seconds we could hear her deep, even breathing. She fell asleep in Tamaki's arms.

Theresa nudged my arm slightly. I turn to face her and jerk my chin up slightly in silent question. She tilted her head in Tamaki and Haruhi's direction and waggled her eyebrows, smiling slightly. Looking over at them right now, a light bulb went off. My head whipped around at Theresa and a small smile graced my lips as I nodded my head. Shaundra caught on and nodded her head too.

Haruhi and Tamaki were definitely meant for each other but by the looks of it, they both didn't know that yet. If it took us the entire year to make them realize that, well then, we would have a busy matchmaking year.

Tamaki's soft snoring made us come back from la-la-land and look over at both him and Haruhi. Haruhi was leaning into Tamaki as she slept and Tamaki's head was drooping down, his chin on top of Haruhi's head. It was a total Kodak moment.

Shaundra, with an evil smirk that would make the twins proud, brought out a black sharpie from somewhere in her pajama pants. She uncapped it and inched her way towards Tamaki's face. It was really childish of her, I must say, but the end result was hilarious.

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