The Nightmare before Ouran

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  • Dedicated to ouran4eva

Previously: Looking up, I see our masterpiece at the top of the hill. Four trees were covered in dangling toilet paper. A breeze blew through the park and rustled the toilet paper slightly. In the dark it looked like ghosts flying through the air.

"C'mon guy's!" Shaundra hissed, hefting her candy onto her shoulder and jogging to the entrance of the park. "Quit lollygagging, we gotta go!"

Putting our masks on and hefting our candy up, we followed after her, jogging down the empty street.

"GET BACK HERE YOU TROUBLE MAKERS!" The guard's voice trailed after us. But after a few blocks the noise died down and we were in front of the gates of Ouran Academy.

No P.O.V.

A full moon rose over the clock tower of the academy. Limos were driving through the grounds and dropping off girl's dressed in costumes at the doors of one of the many ballrooms at Ouran. The stairs leading up to the doors were lined with Jack-O-Lanterns that grinned maliciously in the gloom.

Far off in the distance, the clock tower chimed eight o'clock. Giggles and shrieks of delight filled the cold night air as the ladies waited for the large doors to open to reveal their favorite Host's. Slowly but surely, the large doors silently opened and the ladies poured into the large room.

Tamaki's description of the room was correct. Orange and black flowers littered the room along with Jack-O-Lanterns on the floor and strung from the ceiling. A large candle chandelier hung from the ceiling and black drapes were pulled back to let moonlight shine through. Some girl's admired the room while other's looked around for the Host's.

Suddenly a spotlight shone onto the staircase in the far corner of the room. On it was the Host's dressed in their costumes. An orchestra dressed in costumes themselves played a soft tune. The three Canadian's were sitting in the front row, each playing their classical instruments.

"Ladies," Tamaki said from the very center of the staricase. "The Ouran Host Club bid's you welcome,"

"Welcome," Each Host said, bowing to the crowd formally.

Squeals and cheers erupted throughout the room. With hearts around their head's and in their eye's, some of the guest's fainted on the spot. Other's screamed at the Host's things like, "I'll be your Lois Lane Haruhi!" or "Save me Spidey!" or "You can cast a spell on me anytime Kyouya!" and even "Tamaki is so brave to wear a skirt!" That one got a chuckle out of the Canadian's.

Kyouya spread his arms wide and with his fake smile on, he said, "The Ouran Host Club will tend to each and every one of you ladies until the end of the night,"

More squeals shook the room.

Vmmmm…vmmmm. Sidney's cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She stopped playing and pulled it out of her Hermione robe. The caller ID on the screen read, Umehito Nekozawa.

"Pssst," Sidney hissed to Theresa and Shaundra. Both of them looked up with question marks on their faces. Waving her cell phone in the air, Sidney mouthed one word, "Nekozawa,"

Nodding their heads to each other, the Canadian's set their instruments in their cases by their feet and silently slipped away from the orchestra and snuck out into the hall.

Pressing the speaker button, Sidney said, "Hello?"

"It is time ladies," A voice said from right behind them.

Jumping slightly, the girl's spin around and see Nekozawa minus his cloak and puppet wearing the costume that Shaundra gave him. His blonde hair was brushed to the side slightly so the girl's could see his eyes. They were filled to the brim with excitement.

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