Trick or Treating

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Previously: "If you two don't mind, I wanna start trick-or-treating today!" Sidney glared at Tamaki for a second before walking down the sidewalk with her garbage bag in tow. "I'm not getting any younger!"

"Way to go, Tamaki," Shaundra muttered from underneath her mask. "You pissed Sidney off even more than Kyouya and Muso did. Now we have to deal with a grumpy Sidney in the morning," Huffing slightly, Shaundra walked after Sidney.

"Candy! Candy! Candy!" Honey chanted, following after Sidney and Shaundra with his cape billowing after him. The others soon followed after them.

Theresa P.O.V.

"Mommy," A little girl wearing a SpongeBob costume tugged on her mother's sleeve, pointing in our direction. "Why is that man wearing a skirt?"

"Sweetie," The mother said in a scolding voice, holding the girls hand tightly and walking away from us. "It's not polite to point,"

"But why is he wearing a skirt mommy?" The girls' voice trailed back to us.

"You're very popular tonight Milord," The twins remark to a sulking Tamaki.

"There, there, Tama-chan," Honey patted his head, which was only possible because the little guy was on Mori's shoulders. "Just think of it as if we're at the Music Room and cosplaying Tama-chan," Honey said with flowers floating around his head.

"And think of all the candy we'll get tonight!" Shaundra said from somewhere in front of the twins.

"First house straight ahead!" Sidney said from the very front.

"Remember what we told you to say, ok?" I yell to everybody, rushing up to the front with Shaundra, Haruhi and Sidney.

"I can't believe I'm actually out trick-or-treating," Haruhi grumbled. "I haven't trick-or-treated since I was eleven,"

Shaundra gasped and rushed to hug her. "Seriously? You poor child!"

"It's not that big of a deal," Haruhi wiggled slightly. "It's just candy,"

"Just candy?" Sidney says. "Where's your inner-child Haruhi? Everyone loves trick-or-treating!"

"The feel of a full trash bag weighing you down," I say in a very Tamaki-like dramatic way. "But you keep moving on to the next house!"

"The rush when you get home and sort through all your candy," Shaundra joined in. "And knowing that it's all yours!"

"And let's not forget," Sidney stopped walking and pumped a fist in the air. "The sugar high's that last for weeks!"

"Ok, ok, I get it," Haruhi said from the confinement's of Shaundra's arms. "Can you let go now?"

But we didn't seem to hear her. "To the house!" Sidney, Shaundra and I scream at the same time, running up the steps and to the door with Haruhi in tow.

"We're getting candy now?" Honey said anxiously from atop Mori's shoulders.

"Yes my little munchkin," Shaundra said, waving everybody up the stairs.

"So how does this work exactly?" Muso said from behind the twins.

"First," I say. "You knock on the door,"

"Of course!" Tamaki brought a closed fist onto his palm. "Commoners use this method to signal other commoners that they are in their midst! Pure genius!"

"Uh…right, anyway, you knock," Theresa knocks on the door. "And you say what we told you when the door opens,"

The door opened, revealing an old woman with wrinkles and grayish-white hair pulled into a tight bun. She was wearing a flower patterned old lady dress and she smelled of pea soup and cats.

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