Heartless Prick!

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Previously: "If you're leaving," Kyouya pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "The time that you're gone will be added to your debt,"

She stopped at the double doors with a hand on the door handle. "I won't be long." She muttered, opening the doors and stepping out into the bright hallway. She didn't even look back.

Muso P.O.V.

Sitting around a bunch of girls for a few hours might not be that bad, I think while I tell them the story about how Sidney and I first met.

"I was in an empty room, playing the piano just minding my own business like any other day," I tell them. "Then, out of nowhere, I hear a girl scream at me from behind, 'Kyouya Ootori I'm gonna kill you!' Before I could turn around and see who was screaming at me, the person tackled me to the ground." The girl's giggled at that.

"And while I was on the ground she said," I pause and the girl's shushed and leaned forward to hear what I was going to say.

"I'm not feeling so well," I hear Sidney mutter.

I look over and see Theresa standing in front of Sidney, who was hefting her book bag onto her shoulder while she held her violin tightly in her hand. Her head was down so that her bangs covered her eyes.

"Oh, ok then," Theresa moved out of her way as she began to walk toward the double doors.

She passed my table without even looking up at me. Me and the girl's that were sitting around me looked at her as she made her way to the doors.

"Something's wrong," I mutter, starting to stand up.

In the blink of an eye Honey-senpai, with his wide golden brown eyes staring up at her innocently, stood in front of her and blocked her way to the door, saying, "What's the matter Sid-chan?"

Thinking that his big brown eyes would get to her, I sit back down and watch. But Sidney said nothing, just tightened her grip on her violin and walked around Honey-senpai. Not giving him a single look as she made her way to the double door again.

"What's wrong with my daughter?" I hear Tamaki from across the room. He jumped up from his corner and began to sprint over to Sidney. He didn't get far.

As soon as she heard him, she looked over her shoulder and he stopped in his tracks as his eyes met the glare from her glasses. "I'm not your daughter, Tamaki," She whispered before reaching a hand out and touching the door handle.

"Something's definitely wrong," I mutter, pushing out of my seat and silently walking toward her.

"If you're leaving," I could just tell that Kyouya paused just to push his glasses up his nose. "The time that you're gone will be added to your debt,"

That bastard. Couldn't he see through the god damn glare his glasses made that she was upset over something? No, all he cared about was making money and he didn't care using a few people to get it. The bastard.

I was just about to turn and tell him where he could shove his glasses when I heard Sidney turn the handle on the doors. Snapping my head back in her direction, I see her open the doors and hear her mutter, "I won't be long," Before she stepped out into the bright hallway and disappeared. She didn't even look back.

"You bastard," I hiss at Kyouya who narrowed his eyes at me and scoff in disgust as if I was some bug stuck on the end of his shoe. "Couldn't you see that she was upset?" I point to the opened doors where she was just a few seconds ago.

"Well obviously she wasn't jumping for joy," He said nonchalantly and waved his hand at me dismissively. "Now I believe you have guests."

I tried to lunge at him but Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed a hold of my arms, preventing me from moving. Kyouya's glasses flashed and the glare covered his eyes as he smirked lightly. "You're a fucking heartless prick, you know that," I hiss as I try to get the twins to let go of me. "You care about nothing but yourself and money, but you're nothing but the third son," That one hit below the belt. The smirk on his face faded and his mouth twisted into a thin line. When his glasses flashed again, I could see for a split second that his eyes were narrowed to slits. Good, I think, I hit a soft spot. So I tried to press him. "Yeah, you're just the worthless third son who will do anything to get higher in society, not even caring about who he uses or hurts in the process."

His glasses flashed again and a dark aura surrounded him, making the twins shudder slightly and the other host's minus Mori-senpai to cower. He pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his noise with his middle finger, making me even angrier.

"Go shove your damn glasses up your ass," I hiss.

He crosses his arms and looks over at the ladies who were still sitting around the table like before. "My deepest apologies, ladies, but I'm afraid the Host Club will be closing early today due to," He looks over at me. "Interferences,"

The girls grumble and whine as they shuffled away and out the door leaving nothing behind but tea cups and silk handkerchiefs.

"I myself shall be heading out too," Kyouya stood up from his table, closed his laptop, grabbed his book bag and his mysterious black book. "Quite frankly it's much too crowded and noisy here for me to do some much needed work," He looked directly at me when he said that. "I shall be back after." He walked to the open double doors.

"You're probably going somewhere so you can make up ways to blackmail people!" I yell as he stepped out the door.

He didn't even look back to acknowledge me. The bastard.

Kyouya P.O.V.

Walking through the brightly lit hall ways of Ouran, I began to think.

You're a fucking heartless prick…Couldn't you see that she was upset?...You care about nothing but yourself and money, but you're nothing but the third son…the third son…third son.

Sighing, I sit on one of the many plush red velvet benches that sat along the walls. I take off my glasses and pinch the bridge of my nose. Muso really wanted to get me worked up, I think as Muso's words rang through my mind on an endless loop.

Yeah, you're just the worthless third son who will do anything to get higher in society, not even caring about who he uses or hurts in the process…Go shove your damn glasses up your ass…You're nothing but the third son…

"I may be the third son," I mutter, placing my glasses back on my face and closing my eyes. "But I will surpass my fathers' expectations."

With that said, I stood and walked down the hall to the doors that led outside to the rose gardens. It was the middle of October but the weather was still pretty warm so the roses were still as red as ever. Probably in the next few days the weather would become colder and the flowers would die like every other year. But they would bloom again in the spring.

Entering the maze of roses, the smell hit me almost instantaneously. A light breeze blew through the air, ruffling my hair slightly and rustling through the tall hedges that the roses were woven into; lifting their warm aroma to my nose. Looking up, I see a small blue butterfly beat its wings slightly from its spot on the only white rose that I could see in this garden.

Paying it no mind I kept striding through the maze until I reached the stone gazebo that was close to the exact center of the garden but just three rows of hedge away I knew that there was a large, round marble fountain that spurted crystal blue water. That, I knew, was the exact center of the garden.

Sitting down on the stone bench, I grab my bag and bring out my Pineapple laptop and my 'mysterious black book' as everyone likes to call it. Flipping through many pages of the book, I stop at a certain page near the middle that said The Canadian's in my neat script and turn on the laptop. The plain black screen popped up along with folders that covered the screen.

Sighing slightly, I push my glasses higher up the bridge of my nose and maneuver my finger on the mouse pad until the icon landed on a folder called Host Members. Clicking on it, multiple folders popped onto the screen. One was labeled Haruhi Fujioka, another The Hitachiin twins and so on and so forth. My mouse landed on one that I had labeled The Canadian's. Clicking on it, three more folders popped up; each labeled after each Canadian. Gliding my finger over the mouse pad, the icon turned into a hand pointing as I went over the folder labeled Sidney Campbell.

As if god didn't want me to, just as I was about to click her name a sad melody hit my ear drums, making me forget about the folder and look towards the sound.

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