After effects of the nightmare before Ouran.

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Sorry I couldn't find the song for this chapter. Let me know if you find it!

Previously: "Nekozawa?" Everyone in the room questioned, their color coming back to them.

The Jack-O-Lantern dude lifted his hand's up and took the Jack-O-Lantern off of his head. Sure enough, Nekozawa, with his blonde hair shining in the low light and his blue eyes sparkling with amusement, came out from the Jack-O-Lantern.

"Let's not forget who helped," Nekozawa swept his arm to the side to let everyone see the three skeletons.

They lifted their hands and grabbed a hold of their head's, yanking up. Out came Shaundra, Sidney and Theresa with their long hair tumbling down their backs and large smirks on their faces.

Looking down at the faces below them, they cracked up.

"You should see your faces!" They laughed, grabbing their stomachs.

Date: November 1st: Location: Girls' apartment: Sidney P.O.V.

I sense there's something in the wind

That feels like tragedy's at hand

And though I'd like to stand by him

Can't shake this feeling that I have

The worst is just arou-!

Slapping my hand down on the off button on my iPod, I flip onto my stomach with a small grunt. Not that I don't like Amy Lee's version of Sally's song from The Nightmare Before Christmas; I really do like it, it's beautiful sung by the lead singer of Evanescence. But when you had a huge sugar high the night before, music can be annoying.

Groaning, I shift onto my back and focus my blind eyes onto the blurry numbers on my alarm clock. Squinting until my eyes were almost closed, I saw that my clock read six forty-five in the AM. Why did Halloween have to be on a school night?, I think, pinching the bridge of my nose, and a Thursday none the less.

Thinking of yesterday though, that brought a huge smirk to my face. Nekozawa and us girls had quite some fun last night at the ball. Laughing softly, I reminisce about everyone's reaction when they found out it was us playing a prank on them.


"You mean it was you guy's all along?" Honey cried, flapping his arms about.

"Yup," The girls and I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"We had a little help though," Theresa said, nodding somewhere down to the crowd.

Both the zombie with the top hat and the pale ghoul with bright red eyes and sharp teeth stepped forward. Turning to the crowd, they lifted their hands up to their heads and yanked up. Out came Renge from underneath the large top hat, smiling to the crowd with her large pink bow in her hair.

"RENGE?" Everyone shouted.

From underneath the pale skin of the ghoul, Kasanoda popped out, his intimidating honey brown eyes boring into the crowd.

"BASANOVA?" The Host's yelled.

"You two were in on it too?" Honey cried, flapping his arms around harder.

"I was bored," Renge said, examining her nails. "When they asked me if I was free for this I jumped at the chance." She looked up at the people on the pedestal. "That was the most fun I had in months!"

"They just pulled me in against my will," Kasanoda muttered.

"But it was fun wasn't it Kasanoda?" Shaundra said, grinning a grin that would make the twin's proud.

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