Arriving at their new school.

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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: Grabbing my pillow I pull it over my head to try to muffle the sounds. How will I survive this every night for the next year? I'll have to get ear plugs, I think. Seconds later, I was asleep and dreaming peacefully of a certain pink school that the girls and I would be attending tomorrow.

Theresa P.O.V.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

"Stupid alarm clock," I feel around my night stand, trying to find the stupid thing. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "C'mon, turn off already!" My fingers graze the top of it. Grabbing the damn thing in a vice like grip, I start smashing it on the night stand. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" With one final smash it was silent. "Finally!" I sit up stretching and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Yawning, I slide off the bed and pull on my slippers. "Time to get the others up." Stopping in front of Shaundra's room first I knock on the door a few times. "Shaundra?"

"Mmmm sprazengi pie." She utters before going back to her loud snoring.

"Shaundra?" I open the door and step in. "C'mon time to get up, we got school in an hour."

"The monkey stole my tablecloth."

"I don't care about your tablecloth; it's time to get up!" I try shaking her.

"Mmmm Kyle you're a little frisky today."

"Ew eww ewww!" I pull my hand away as if her skin had burned me. "Why are you dreaming about those sick minded things, especially with Kyle? I thought you guys broke up a while ago!" The very thought of Shaundra and Kyle together like that sent bile rising in my throat.

Shuddering at the very thought, I stood and went looking for a bucket and cold water.

10 minutes later…

I come back into the room, carrying a bucket filled with ice cold water.

Ok, I'm going to try waking her up again, if she doesn't get up in two minutes I'm using the water, I think to myself.

"Shaundra? Oh, Shaundraaa?" I say in a sing song voice.

"The hot dog is going to eat my wiener dog." She mumbles.

"Your mind is a very scary place." I try shaking her again but it wouldn't work.

Time to use the water, I think, lifting the bucket up towards her sleeping form. She begins to stir.

"Oh Shaundraaa?"


SPLASH! The resounding scream could've woken up the entire city. I, on the other hand, was on the floor laughing my ass off! It was friggin' hilarious, she looked like a cat that got drowned. Her hair was all over her face, the eyeliner and mascara she didn't wipe off last night was making tracks down her cheeks and she was all wet!


Wiping the tears of laughter from the corners of my eyes, I stand and make my way towards the door. "Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." I look over my shoulder and see flames in her eyes. "Go get in the shower, I'm gonna wake Sid up, then I'll make a breakfast burrito to make it up to you." The flames died down and were replaced by hearts at the mention of a burrito.

"Put extra bacon on it," she grabs a towel "and cheese, don't forget the cheese."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I walk up to Sid's door. Lucky for me I know how to get her up. I grab my ipod from my pocket and silently slip into her room. My eyes scan the room and I spot her dock at the side of the bed. This is gonna be fun, I think to myself, smiling broadly.

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