Cussing and arriving to Japan.

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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: "WE'RE GOING TO JAPAN!" They scream at the top of their lungs causing them to get kicked out by the librarian.

"We're going to Japan!" They whisper-yelled.

For the rest of the day they kept checking out the pamphlet for the school. Tomorrow they'll be boarding a plane to Japan and next week they'd be starting their new school year at the prestigious, elite private school known as Ouran Academy. Boy were they in for an interesting ride.

Location: Japan airport: Sidney P.O.V.

"C'mon ladies, put your backs into it!" We finally made it into Japan, but there was one small problem. WE COULDN'T GET OUR BAGS OUT THE DOOR!

"C'mon push. Push harder!" I just hear heavy breathing.

"We're not," Breath. "Giving birth," Breath. "Ya dumb twit." There's Shaundra.

"Yeah, you could help us ya know since most of these bags are your instruments!" There's Theresa.

"I am helping. I'm supervising."

The two send death glares in my direction.

"Meaning you're too lazy to get off your skinny white ass." Theresa grumbled.

"Exactly!" With that I get up to leave.

"Where're you going?" They yell after me.

Turning, I give them the sweetest smile I could muster. "To get airport security to help us with the bags." I turn and walk away.

45 minutes later: Theresa P.O.V.

I checked my watch again for the umpteenth time. "Where the hell is that bitch we call friend?"

Shaundra just shrugged. "Beats me, maybe she's somewhere eating a taco."

"A taco. Really?"

"Shut up I'm hungry and I'm craving the ingenious Mexican idea that is the taco!" She starts drooling and staring off into space.

"Okaaay." Laughing nervously I scoot further away from her.

"Hey it's not my fault tacos are so good, blame the Mexicans. And if I don't get a taco in me in the next ten minutes I'm gonna hunt down Sidney and imma keel her!"

"Excuse me?" Turning, I see Sidney tapping her foot with a security guard by her side.

"Silence!" Shaundra jumps up. "I keel you!"

Sidney just rolls her eyes and shoves a bag in front of Shaundra's face. "Here Achmed wanna-be, I knew you'd get hungry. That's why I took so long."

Shuandra opens the bag, revealing a taco. Two seconds later it was gone in a whirl wind of OMM-NOM-NOM'S and belches.

"That was lady like." I say.

"Bite me, it's not like anyone noticed." She belched again this time louder. Every head turned in her direction. "Uh excuse me?" She covers her mouth.

"Hey if you guys care to join me outside, our car's here to pick us up!" Sidney yelled, and sure enough there was a car waiting outside with our bags in the trunk.

"Coming!" We yell, running toward the car. "Next stop our new home for the year!"

Time skip: Shaundra P.O.V.

"I call the room with the view!" I yell, walking into our apartment. There was a small kitchen/dining area, a good sized living room, two bathrooms and four bedrooms (1 for each of us and the last for the instruments).

Theresa raised her hand. "I call the room near the bathroom!"

"Yeah, yeah we all know how long it takes for you to get your pretty face on."

"Are you implying that I'm ugly?"


"You bitch."




"Ok ladies," Sidney clapped her hands to get our attention. "We got the weekend until school starts, so I'll give us an hour and a half to unpack then we'll go sightseeing for the rest of the weekend!"

"Aye aye Cap'n!" We salute her.

(Commence fast forward) An hour and a half later:

"Done, now let's go sightseeing!" We grab our cameras then ran out the door.

(Show tunes play in the background while pictures of them at a shrine, a coy pond, a sushi restaurant, at Mount Fuji, at a sumo match, creeping behind a guy, guy looking behind his shoulder, running away from the guy and finally posing at a welcome to Japan sign show on a screen.)

Back at the apartment: Sidney P.O.V.

"I can't believe we spent the entire weekend sightseeing." Plopping on the couch I pick my acoustic up and strum a few notes.

Theresa sits beside me, slapping her thighs to the rhythm of the song. "I know what you mean; at least we got loads of pictures to send to our families."

"Yeah and plus," Shaundra sits on my other side. "We're starting school tomorrow, so we should get to bed."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah we're going." I set the acoustic down and follow my friends down the hall towards our rooms. Flipping my covers over, I climb into bed. I turn off my light and flip onto my side.

"Goodnight Sidney!" Shaundra yells through her door.

"Goodnight Shaundra." I yell back.

"Goodnight Sidney!" Theresa yells.

"Goodnight Theresa."

"Goodnight Shaundra!" Theresa yells.

"Goodnight Theresa!" She yells back.

"Goodnight Sidney!" Shaundra yells.

"Goodnight Shaundra." I'm getting very annoyed now.

"Goodnight Sidney!" Theresa yells again.

"GOOD FUCKING NIGHT NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO TO FUCKING SLEEP!" I hear a chorus of giggles and it started again.

"Goodnight Shaundra!"

"Goodnight Theresa!"

Grabbing my pillow I pull it over my head to try to muffle the sounds. How will I survive this every night for the next year? I'll have to get ear plugs, I think. Seconds later, I was asleep and dreaming peacefully of a certain pink school that the girls and I would be attending tomorrow.

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