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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: "I have an idea." Tamaki sits on a throne like chair. "Since you have no way to pay for the chandelier in money and you can play those kinds of instruments." He points dramatically. "You will become the host clubs band!"

"WHAT?" We scream at the same time.

Location: 3rd music room: Sidney P.O.V.

"WHAT?" The girls and I scream at the same time.

"You girls shall be the host clubs band." Tamaki repeats.

"No way. No way in hell we are doing that!" Shaundra seethes.

"Shaundra," I say. "Think about it, if we do that we could pay back the money we owe them. And we can play our music while doing it, that's an added bonus."

"You would have to play classical music, not your usual rock and roll stuff." Kyouya points out.

"WHAT?" We scream at him.

"No way in hell. No way in hell you're making us play classical music!" I say.

"You said it yourself that you could pay back the money you now owe by being our band." He argues.

"Touché. Group meeting." I say to the girls and huddle around them like football players.

"I don't like this! Not at all Sidney! It was your fault the chandelier broke, if you didn't bump into us making all of us fall onto the ground we wouldn't be in this situation. Why don't you pay them back since it was your fault!" Shaundra says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa don't be pointing fingers at me. It was all our faults. I think we should do it. We would just have to play for an hour or so, it wouldn't be that bad." I try to console her.

"Well it's one against one at the moment, which leaves Theresa with her choice." Shaundra looks at her.

"I think we should do it, it's not gonna be that bad Shaundra. How about we ask if we can practice our "rock and roll" as Kyouya would say, at the beginning before the club opens?" Theresa asks her.

"Ok fine. If he says we can do that, I'm in." She nods her head.

I get out of our little huddle. "Ok," I say to them. "We'll do it, on one condition though. We are allowed to practice our regular music in here before the club opens."

"That's negotiable." Kyouya says. "What do you think Tamaki?"

Tamaki rubs his chin. "I think that would be alright. Since that's settled, welcome to the host club ladies!" He spreads his arms out wide.

"Yea! Sid-chan, Shaun-chan and Tee-chan are staying!" Honey jumps onto my back. "Do you want to have cake with me Sid-chan?"

"No thanks." I put him down.

"Since you ladies are part of the host club now show us what you got." Tamaki says.

The girls and I walk up to the stage and grab our things. My violin, Theresa's cello and Shaundra's upright bass. We huddle together and think of a song to play. After deliberating for a couple minutes we break apart, get into our positions and begin playing.

(Sounds like .com/watch?v=2eIJV3tnxNk)

Tamaki stands and applauded, teary eyed. "That was beautiful!" He rushes over with a handkerchief in his hands and hugs me.

"Personal space dude." I put my finger to his forehead and push him back. "This," I point to the space around me. "Is my bubble, and whoever dares to come into this bubble without my permission is dead. Got it?" I smile at the end.

Kon'nichiwa eh! (Ouran Highschool Host Club)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora