Nice Eyes

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Deditcated to ouran4eva

Previously: The girls plop down on the couch while the hosts sit around their glass table.

"I'm bushed!" Theresa sighed.

"Me too," Shaundra mutters.

"Me three," Honey yawns.

"Us four," The twins raise their hands.

"Me fi-!" Tamaki began to say.

"Ok, I think we get it! We're all tired!" Sidney threw her hands up into the air.

"What do you think we should do tomorrow?" Haruhi leans her head into her hands.

"Well…" Everybody trails off.

Kyouya P.O.V.

"Mommy, I wanna go on the roller coaster and I want to see the monkeys!" I hear a small child whine.

I open my eyes blearily, only to close them again from the bright sun light.

Where am I?, I think, opening my eyes again slowly only for them to widen in surprise.

There was hundreds of people walking left and right. Some were couples with children and some were groups of teenagers messing around.

I look to the left and see theme park rides over three stories high; I also see archways side by side that went in opposite directions with the words "Food Court" and "Zoo" in big, brightly colored letters.

Warm breath blew against my neck and I stiffen. Slowly, I turn my head and see a head of brown hair lying against my shoulder. Bending down a little, I see that it was Sidney. My face immediately turned a light pink. Her hair was sticking out in some directions; her glasses were placed lopsidedly on her peaceful looking face and her breathing was slow and heavy due to sleep.

Turning my head again, I wonder how I ended up here…


"Kyouya, wake up!" Tamaki yelled in my ear, shaking me slightly.

"Come on Kyou-chan, it's time to get up," I hear Honey-sempai on the other side of me.

"Yeah," Mori-sempai mumbled.

I feel my bed sink a little as added weight gets pressed into it. Then I was being bounced up and down.

"Wake up Kyouya-sempai!" I hear the twins yelling from above me. They must've been the ones bouncing on my bed.

I open my eyes, narrow them and sit up. They immediately shy away and hide behind Mori-sempai.

"Do you know how late I was up last night?" I question them without giving them time to answer. "I was up until three in the morning; whatever you idiots are up to can wait until I'm fully rested." I plop back onto the bed.

"But Kyouya!" I hear Tamaki whine. "We're going to the commoner's amusement park. They have a circus, a zoo, rides and amazing food. You have to get ready so we can pick up the girls!" He shakes me again. "Come on, wake up!"

But I was asleep again and dreaming peacefully.

End of flashback:

"This is just like the time we went to the department store." I mutter, rubbing a hand over my face

Sidney lightly stirs beside me and I feel her sit all the way up.

"Whaz goin' on?" She mutters, rubbing her eyes with closed fists. "What's for breakfast?" She mutters drowsily.

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