Merry Christmas

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Sorry for not updating I'll update soon.I just wanted to spend my Christmas with my family.I had some free time and made a New Story it's a Girl Meets World story the name is called Nobody's Home but I'm with you.I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Our prayer is that spirit of will last throughout the year not just during this festive season.

Greetings of the season and may you experience rich that linger long after the season is gone.

My Christmas prayer for you is that you will be blessed. And may your days be filled with peace and happiness.

Hope you are inspired to be extra good this year, so Santa will find you. Wishing you a jolly Christmas.

May you find that special that will remind you about the magic and miracles that Christmas always brings.

 May you and your family enjoy many memories and lots of and love!

The are singing! May you experience the music of heaven during this special time of year. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family.

As the light from that star illuminated the sky the night Jesus was born, may his light illuminate your at this special time of the year.

May you the same wonderment and that children have, fill your heart during this holiday season. Wishing you a child like excitement this season.

Our hope for you both, as you experience new beginnings in this your first Christmas together, may the bonds of and friendship give you many happy and memorable years together.

May you a Christmas filled with dreams come true, wonder, and love.

Imagine if this season would stay all year, and the love people shows at this time of year, would never disappear. Hope you have a great Xmas.

With each Xmas card I write, memories of good friends and times flood my mind. Thank you my friend for being a part of my life.

It doesn't matter how we say it - Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday or Joyeux Noël - what matters is that we remember why we say it - the birth of Jesus.

and to you and your loved ones. May your home be filled with love and laughter.

Christmas comes but once a year, lights and trees and gifts we choose. But we take the time to express our thoughts for a Merry Christmas and hope you get lots. And let us not forget to send you best wishes for a too!

Christmas Eve is a time of excitement for the in waiting for Santa to arrive. Our hope for you this Christmas is that once the kids are tucked in their bed you will feel the special feeling that this season brings.

With each Nativity scene I see I am reminded of the miraculous event that occurred many years ago. And the that happen today, may we all have the eyes to see them not only during this season but all year long. 

                                                                       XOXO with Love

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