Encounters At The Beach pt 2

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''Mummy come on play with me''Roy Roy said lifting me up from my sunbathing.

''Okay Okay baby but...''She looked at me expectantly.

''Tickles First''I grab her quickly before she could process the information and started tickling her.I stop tickling her after she said she loved me and I walked with her around the shore showing her and teaching the things about a beach.

  Upon the hot sand lay a pincer, a delicate shade of pinky-peach aside from the inky tips. Up close it had an almost mechanical look, like if you opened it up there would be wires and cogs instead of decaying flesh partially cooked by the summer sun. Trina let a laugh tumble out to the gentle waves. Somewhere out there was a one-armed crab scavenging the seabed, unbalanced, no longer remembering that once his life was simpler.  

''That's a crab's leg let's see if we find a crab''

''There Oh There''Royalty said happily jumping as she pointed to a crab who was staring directly at us.

  The pincers themselves were works of art, a soft brown colour, like coffee with too much cream. Along the edges were darker patches in perfect lines, just touches of a richer hue. The crab himself had darker legs and eye-stalks, his shell a mottle of the two shades. With pincers raised he made his side-ways scuttle across the cold morning sands until he felt it shift under his legs. In moments he was buried, lost under the swirling grains.  

''Very good Roy''I said as she smiled at me excited.

  Ali picked up a seashell, it was nothing like the semi-clam types of the beach back home with a color range of beige to beige. It was bigger than a starfish and shaped like a snail shell only one that had been crafted by an artist. It had regular projections at intervals that made it spiny and the whorl was elongated and elegant. The inside was a soft pink, glossy and smooth to the touch, the outside rough and rustic with chestnut brown on white. She weighed it in her hand, so light compared to a stone of the same size, but then it was just calcium carbonate.  

''Pick up as much as you can''Ali said racing to pick up many.I spot a rare seashell and smiled as Royalty looked at it with amazement.

I spot a rare seashell and smiled as Royalty looked at it with amazement

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''We'll but this at the fire place''I told her and she nodded excitedly.

  The small, wet pebbles that lined the beach sparkled in the lingering light of sunset. The water was almost still, small waves occasionally hitting the beach with little force. I reached down to pick one up, running my thumb over its smooth surface. It was perfectly round, with no sharp edges or jagged curves. I swung my arm back and flicked my wrist, watching the small pebble skip across the surface of the sea.  

''Mom teach me''Royalty said jumping anxiously and I teach her helping her all the way.

We started walking back to everyone and see they wasted no time already in the water when I bump into someone.

''Sorry''I said looking up and seeing Emily with her kids and Nicki Minaj who was hiding under a hat.

''Alison''she said as her eyes widen and I just was so fed up with it.

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