Paige We Met Again pt 2

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Emily POV

'EMILY OH MY GAWD I DIN'T THINK YOU'LL COME NOW THAT YOUR A CELEBRITY NOW''She said walking out the water naked.I was shocked I've seen her naked before so I was quite going with the flow.

''Of Course it's graduation and like your hair''

''Thanks''she said as she put on her dress.

''Where's Alison?''She said rolling her eyes.

''We broke up''She sprung around with wide eyes and said

''I thought you guys were meant to be together''

''We it didn't work out.I'm in a on and off relationship with Nicki Minaj''

''WHAT?''She looked at me with no emotion''You did good for yourself''

''Anyways I gotta get back to the hotel I'm staying in''

''Really can you please help me out with a hotel''She looked at me walking closer I feel her breath hot in my ear.

''Sure''she then starts walking back on the path.I following behind.The charm of Paige's  physique stole insensibly upon you. The lines of her body were long, clean and symmetrical; it was a body which occasionally fell into splendid poses; there was no suggestion of the trim, stereotyped fashion-plate about it.But it was never comparison to Ali's.We reach the back to the trail and see Naya and the kids.

''These are my kids and my baby mama''I said to Paige who smiled with bitterness as she greeted them. Naya was pregnant again but not for me but for Big Sean.I wasn't pleased but we aren't together so I can't make that choice for her.We walked the streets s we got out of the main part of town.

  People walk in this place like the way a gas fills a jar; no matter how few of them there are - all the space will be taken. It's like they are programmed to get as far from one another as possible, make no eye contact and move fast. This city is so much safe than my home according to the statistics, yet they behave like everyone they meet is a potential danger but I love crowds. I love the way people walk, roughly in one direction, weaving a little, chatting as they go. I watch them, some heads down and lost in thought and wonder what their private worlds are like - each of them viewing this same place, this same day, from a unique perspective. Some of them notice the sun, others the cloudy remains of yesterdays rainstorm. Either way their footfalls soothe me better than a flowing river. I'm a city girl and always will be.

We reach the hotel she was staying in and go to the receptionist.I book two rooms next door to each other and Naya takes the keys while I carry her bags.I look at Paige who signals  me too her room after I place the bags.I do just that and what I see shocks me.

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