John Laurens-Hamiltime

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You were at the camp for the continental army visiting your brother who had recently joined. You were taking a walk through the camp to get some fresh air after spending time with your brother in his stuffy tent.

"(Y/n)?" You heard someone ask from behind you. Turning around you saw your childhood friend John Laurens.

"John!" You said smiling. "It's great to see you again!"

"You too, it's been so long, I wasn't sure it was actually you," John replied smiling back.

"Its been years, how are you?"

"I'm great, I joined the army, obviously considering I'm here. What brings you to our camp?" John asked.

"I was visiting my brother," you explained.

"I didn't realize he was here, there's too many soldiers to know everyone," John said with a smile. "Would you like a tour of camp, maybe meet some of my friends?"

"I would love that." You answered. John offered his arm then lead you around the camp, telling you stories and introducing you so a few people along the way. Soon the two of you had made it to his tent.

"Who is that belle femme you have here John?" A man asked while walking out of the tent.

"This is my friend (y/n), we haven't seen each other in years. She was here to visit her brother, I was showing her around. (Y/n) this is Lafayette," Lafayette reached out and took your hand and kissed it.

"Pleasure to meet you," he said with a smile.

"You too," you replied. Soon two more men walked out of the tent. You were introduced to Hercules Mulligan and Alexander Hamilton. All three of the men were flirting with you, making you blush bright red.

"I should walk (y/n) back to her brothers tent now, she must be tired," John said after a few minutes.

"Oh I'm alright John-" "I'm going to walk you back," John interrupted before grabbing your arm gently and walking the two of you away. You waved to his friends while you and John left.

"You didn't even let me say goodbye," you said to John.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted us to get out of there," John answered while blushing.

"Why did you want to leave so badly, your friends are very nice?" You questioned.

"That's the problem," John muttered. You gave him a questioning look. "They were very flirtatious."

"Were you jealous?" You asked with a smirk.

"Maybe a little," John admitted. "I'm really glad to see you again (y/n), can I write to you?"

"I would like that a lot," you said with a smile. Soon the two of you were back at your brothers tent.

John said goodbye and promised to write. He started to walk away but turned back and kissed you on the cheek before blushing and walking away. You were blushing as well, but smiled, knowing he would write to you and that you would see him again.

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