John Laurens- Modern

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Hello everyone! Thank you for all of the reads, votes, and comments. You all brighten my days. I know I haven't been very active, life keeps getting in the way. I've been super busy and for a little while I was avoiding the topic of love and relationships, so this has been put on hold. I'm happy to be trying to get back into the swing of writing.

Request by GravityWillFall01
"Are you ready (y/n)?" John asked form outside the bathroom door.

"Almost!" You hollered back. The two of you were going out to a club tonight. You smiled at your reflection, your hair and makeup were don't just as you like them, and you were wearing a brand new outfit that complimented your body very well.

You opened the door to a smiling John.

"You look gorgeous darling!"

"Why thank you kind sir," you replied while doing a dramatic bow, making John laugh at you.

"Gosh you're such a goof," he mumbled before reaching for your hand and leading you out of the apartment. The two of you hadn't been dating for that long, but you already knew you were in love with him, you were just afraid to say it.

You had never been a super open person about your feelings, it just wasn't you, so you kept your feelings mostly to yourself. John lead you to the Uber he had ordered and the two of you were off to the club.

You had to wait in line for a few minutes at the club, but just standing and talking to John made up for it. Soon enough you were in the club and dragging John to dance with you.

"Do you want to go get some drinks?" John asked after a while.

"Sounds good," you grabbed his hand and pushed your way up to the bar.

John waited patiently for the bartenders attention as you ended up a few seats away from where John had just started talking to the bar tended.

"Hey baby, what's a sexy thing like you doing sitting alone at the bar?" Someone asked from behind you. At first you didn't move, not knowing the guys was taking to you.

"Hey, sexy, I'm talking to you."

"What the hell do you want?" you asked with disgust.

"Oh, feisty, why sound we get out of here baby?" the man asked, putting his arm over your shoulder.

"Let go of me," you demanded. John now noticed the situation and was moving towards you.

"But-" "I said let go of me."

Then the man didn't move you quickly turned around and punched him right in the nose. He started yelling while holding his bleeding nose.

"I told you to let go," you said with a smirk.

"I am so in love with you right now," John said quietly, you almost didn't catch it.

"I love you too," you replied quietly. John looked shocked, you guessed he didn't realize he ahead actually said that out loud.

"Was this man bothering you?" a security guard asked, shaking you out of the moment you were having.

"He was, I think I shut him up a bit," You answered with a laugh. The security guard smiled before escorting the man out of the bar.

"Why don't we just get out of here. We can order some food and watch a movie at my apartment while we ice your hand," John suggested.

"That sounds amazing."

After the ride to the apartment, and quick showers by each of you, you were settled on the couch in Johns t-shirt and sweatpants eating pizza and icing your hand, John sitting right beside you.

"I love you John."

"I love you too (y/n)."

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