LAMS One Shot-Modern

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"Hey," John Laurens said while poking his boyfriend Alexander in the side. Alex smiled and poked John back wordlessly, not even looking up from his computer.

"Heeeeeey," John said again, this time kicking Alex lightly. Alex smiled to himself again before kicking his boyfriend back.

"Huuuuuun," John groaned while leaning into Alex.

"What is it babe?" Alex asked softly.

"You need a break, lets watch a movie!"

"But I really need to finish this for work tomorrow," Alex explained.

"No you don't, this is for next week, you just hate not doing anything. Just come watch a movie with me, please?" John begged. Alex could never say no to John, not for long anyway. The boy had Alex wrapped around his finger within days of the two of them dating.

"Alright alright, pick a movie, I'll get the popcorn," Alex gave in. John jumped up with a smile and walked up to the cabinet full of movies he couple had. He stared at it for a minute before choosing Finding Dory, he loved all the sea creatures in it.

Alex walked back into the room a few minutes later carrying a big bowl of popcorn along with some of Johns favorite candy. Right after placing everything on the coffee table Alex disappeared again, returning with drinks and napkins.

"Are we all ready babe?" Alex asked with a smile while sitting down on the couch beside John.

"Yep," John told him with a smile before leaning in Alex and pulling a blanket up over the two of them. The movie was amazing, Alex and John spent the whole time cuddling, laughing, and eating junk food.

When it ended John got up to change the movie and and let Alex pick. Alex picked out Moana, knowing he and John both adored the film.

As soon as the first song started the two were singing along to every word together, dancing around the room to the beat of the music. Eventually the two were tired out and just sat back down to finish the rest of the song.

John was curled up with his head on Alex softly singing along to the movie. Alex smiled down at John and played with his curly hair.

Alex was singing along with the last song of the movie softly when he realized John had stopped singing with him. He slowly realized John had fallen asleep on him. Alex carefully moved out from under John and started cleaning everything up.

Once all of the dirty dishes and food were cleaned and put away Alex walked back into the living room and gently picked up John, carrying him to bed. Alex smiled at his boyfriend before going back to finish his work from earlier.

John woke up and jumped slightly, realizing he didn't know where he was or how he got there. He realized he was in his bed, and that Alex must have brought him there, but that didn't explained where Alex was.

John slowly got up and walked towards the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes while searching for his boyfriend.

"Alex?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah hun?" Alex asked from behind his laptop.

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed? What time even is it?" John asked.

"It's almost 3am, and I'm just getting a little work done," Alex answered.

"Nope, come sleep, you have all day tomorrow, it is the weekend after all," John told Alex before closing his laptop and walking with him, hand and hand, to bed.

As soon as Alex climbed in bed John curled up next to him. Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around John.

"Now isn't this better than working all alone in the living room?" John asked with a smile only to not get an answer. John looked up at Alexanders face to see the man already asleep.

"What a goof," John muttered before closing his eyes and snuggling into Alex. John smiled to himself and fell asleep happily.

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