Thomas Jefferson-Modern

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Request for kittycatmeowface12
Prompts 7 & 23
7: "Are you okay?" "Why do you ask?" "You're wearing two different shoes."
23: "Delete that immediately"

You slid slowly into your favorite seat at the Starbucks you frequented, happily sipping on your favorite drink. You were supposed to meet your close friend, and crush, Thomas here for coffee.

You waited for a while but once it was 20 minutes later than Thomas should have arrived, you started to worry. Thomas was not the kind of person to be late, to anything, ever.

Getting up slowly you decided to walk to Thomas's apartment. The two of you lived in neighboring apartment buildings right down the block, so walking there was not a big deal. As soon as you made it to Thomas's apartment you knocked on the door.

"I'm coming!" You heard Thomas yell through the door. Soon the door opened to reveal a very frazzled Thomas. You could tell he had tried to put his hair in a bun, but pieces were falling out of it all over the place. He had on nice skinny jeans and his favorite magenta button up, but his shoes were baffling to you.

"Are you okay?" You asked with a small smile.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned, looking very confused.

"You're wearing two different shoes," you explained. Thomas stopped and slowly looked down to see he had on one black dress shoe and one bright blue converse shoe. You giggled a little as Thomas looked up at you in slight horror.

"I uh well you see..." Thomas trailed off, searching for an explanation. You took the opportunity to open your phone and take a picture of Thomas, enjoying seeing him disheveled for once.

You had forgotten that you turned he volume up on your phone when Thomas was late, wanting to make sure you got any messages he may have sent, so the camera unexpectedly made a sound while taking the picture, causing Thomas to look at you, even more horrified than before.

"Delete that immediately!" He told you.

"Why? I rather like this picture," you told him with a small laugh.

"But I'm a mess," Thomas complained.

"That's the funny part," you explained. "Maybe if you tell me why you ditched me this morning I'll consider it."

"What do you mean ditched you, I still have exactly," he looked down at his watch, "negative 34 minutes to get ready! I'm so sorry, I really wanted to be ready on time, but then I just I panicked."

"You panicked? About what?"

"Why don't you come inside," Thomas told you wile moving so you could walk into the apartment.

"What were you panicked about Thomas, can I help?" You asked while walking into his living room. It looked like a mini tornado went through. Clothed and shoes where everywhere. "What happened here?" You asked before starting to pick up some of the clothes, you knew Thomas wasn't normally this messy and knew he would freak out until the room was back to normal.

"I uh couldn't decide what to wear," Thomas told you before helping you clean up the room. The two of you worked in silence for a little bit, until you ended up kneeling on the ground right next to Thomas helping him clean.

"Why did you struggle so much to pick and outfit?" You asked him quietly.

"What was that?" Thomas said, with a hint of nervousness to his voice.

"Why did you struggle to pick an outfit Thomas?" You asked again before sitting down next to him to wait for an answer.

"I, uh, you see, I wanted to impress you," Thomas finally admitted.

"Impress me?" You replied, confused.

"I, well, I really like you (y/n)," Thomas said quietly.


"Yeah, I know it's stupid but that's what made me late," Thomas told you while blushing. You laughed a little at his red face, you weren't used to seeing Mr. Confident Southern Charm so embarrassed.

"It's not stupid Thomas, it's actually very sweet," you told him.

"It is?" He asked, sounding hopeful and surprised.

"Yeah Thomas, it is," you insisted. "So?"

"So what?" Thomas asked quietly.

"Are you going to take me to lunch to make up for it or are we going to hang out here all day?" You questioned with a bright smile.

"Oh uh yeah, I'll take you to lunch," Thomas said before quickly standing up and then reaching out a hand to help you up. He took the clothes the two of you had just cleaned up and quickly put them in his room, before doing the same with his shoes, after putting on a matching pair of course.

Thomas walked out of his room with a coat on and his hair nicely out of the mess of a bun he had it in. He smiled at you before gesturing you towards his front door and opening it for you.

"So where do you want to go for lunch?" Thomas asked you.

"Um, how about our favorite place?" You offered. There was a small family owned restaurant a few blocks away that the two of you went to a lot together.

"Sounds great," Thomas replied. The two of you made it down the elevator and out the main door of the apartment building before either of you spoke again.

"Hey, uh, (y/n)" Thomas said suddenly.


"Is this a date?" You laughed for a moment at Thomas's question.

"If you want it to be," you really liked Thomas but wanted to make sure that he wanted it to be a date.

"Cool," he responded. You stared at him strangely for a moment. What did cool mean?


"Yeah (y/n)?"

"Does cool mean this is a date?"

"Oh uh yeah, it does," Thomas told you while smiling over at you.

"Cool," you told him before gently grabbing his hand. Thomas just smiled even brighter before continuing to walk like normal to your favorite restaurant.

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