Charles Lee-Hamiltime

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Sorry this request took so long, turns out posting when on vacation in a foreign country doesn't work out, so I had to wait longer than expected to put this up.

Request by ZoeyHopeWilford and TheForgottenSchuyler

42: "Either ask her our or I will do it for you!"

You walked through the military camp with a small smile on your face, you were excited to go and see your good friend Charles. He had recently been promoted to general and you couldn't be prouder of him. When you got to his tent you knocked on the wooden post.

"Come in!" Someone called form inside. You walked in to see Charles friend Aaron Burr sitting at a desk.

"Hi Aaron," you said while looking around the room for any sign of Charles.

"Hello (y/n), looking for Charles?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes I am, any idea where he is?" You replied.

"I know exactly where he is, and I'm guessing you haven't heard," Aaron said while walking towards you.

"Heard what?"

"Charles was in a duel, he was shot, he will be alright but he's in the infirmary," Aaron explained while leading you out of the tent.

"That idiot, he got himself shot and didn't even tell me!" You exclaimed while following Aaron to the infirmary. You heard Aaron chuckle a bit in front of you but brushed it off, this wasn't a funny thing, how could Charles not tell you he had been shot? You approached the infirmary and Aaron quickly stopped.

"I'll go in and make sure he's in the same room, you don't need to see all of the injuries from this war," Aaron said before walking inside, leaving you outside. You started to pace impatiently. After a few minutes you gave up waiting and walked right in. You quickly stopped a nurse and asked where Charles was, and she pointed to a tent flap at the end of the hall. You walked up quietly, wanting to see if you could hear Charles.

"Either ask her out or I will do it for you!" You heard Aaron exclaim.

"But I don't want her to say no," Charles softly replied.

"Why would the girl who came all the way here to see you who was outraged that you got shot and didn't tell her say no to going out with you?" Aaron asked.

"Lots of reasons, why would she want to be with me of all people?" Charles asked. You took this moment of silence as your chance to walk in.

"Charles Lee how dare you get shot and not tell me!" You exclaimed while walking into the tent.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Charles asked, pretending to have no idea you were there.

"I came to see you only to hear that you were shot, then this dimwit came to find you then forgot to come get me," you explained, gesturing to Aaron.

"I was still going to come get you, you're just impatient," Aaron replied.

"I hadn't written to you because I'm fine," Charles insisted.

"I still would have like to know," you replied.

"I'll leave the two of you to battle this out..." Aaron trailed over before leaving, but not before giving Charles a very pointed look. You sent a questioning look at Charles, even though you knew exactly what Aaron was urging him to do.

"So how have you been (y/n)?" Charles asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

"I've been great, I'm not the one who got shot," you spat at him, you didn't want to be as mean as you were, but you wanted to show Charles how much you care, and how upset him not keeping you informed made you.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't think you'd care much," Charles admitted.

"Didn't think I'd care? Why wouldn't I care? I care a hell of a lot about you Charles!" You exclaimed. At this point you noticed Charles looking slightly panicked at something behind you. You turned just in time to see Aaron ducking back out of the room, he was clearly threatening Charles to tell you he liked you.

"I-I was just afraid that you didn't care, but it's clear to me now that you do. And, uh, well, I'd like it if you would allow me to start courting you," Charles slowly stated.

"I would love that Charles," you replied with a smile.

"I am so glad that was your response," Charles said before letting out a small sigh of relief. You smiled again before sitting on the side of the bed next to Charles.

"It's about time!" Aaron called out, stepping into the room once again.

"Took him long enough," you agreed before laughing.

"Wait, you knew?" Charles asked.

"The two of you are anything but quiet, and I was looking for your room when Aaron took too long," you admitted while blushing slightly.

"Good thing you said yes than huh?" Charles joked with a smile.

"Great thing," you agreed with a smile back.

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